got me a new digital camera

I was looking at pics that everyone posted from the now imfamous Sunday Cruise, i compared mine to everone else’s, ad realized that my camera is quite crappy. So, after deciding that .12 megapixel has owned my ass long enough, i went over to UB’s computer store (because i had some money left on my UB card and figured i might was well use it up) and ended up getting a Sony DSC-S60 for $179. it’s 4.1 Megapixels, 3x digital zoom, it has a bunch of different modes for different lighting scenarios and it takes video with sound. My friend has the Sony DSC-W5, which is essentailly the same thing, but it has 5.1 megapixels. we were comapring our cameras, and took a picture of the exact same thing on both cameras, put them on the same computer, and to be honest, the 1 negapixel difference was so miniscule where i didnt see where it would have been worth the extra $80. so does anyone have this camera and have nything to add that will reassure myself that i got a good deal on a decent camera?

o yeah and im kinda pissed, cuz i was really looking forward to everyone meeting up agin this weekend so i could try this thing out haha