Got me a new ride

why all the hate!???

IT WAS A JOKE PEOPLE…i just always sound like an asshole, even when i’m obviously joking around…ask anybody that knows me…

i personally really like the evo’s and am glad to see more around…

here is this what you wanted to see me post “hot ride yo, good buy! congrats! drive it like ya stole it! enjoy!”

if that is indeed what you wanted, then there ya go…done crying?

evos = new mr2’s = new civic hatches


yea, there is gonna be like 6-7 evos in the area now, right? :lolsign:

cool, I’d love one of them as a DD, I bet milage is really good still.
14-16 on the highway 1/8 throttle gets old pretty quick :gotme:

Hmmm… off the top of my head:

I know of three yellow, one blue, two white, one black, two red, and four silver. Oh, and one dark grey MR.

OTOH, I think I lost count a long time ago on the WRB STis… :lol:


My co-worker comes running in yesterday OMG theres an evo inthe parking lot OMG OMG11111!

Holy bandwagon car batman!!

just playin, nice whip :tup:

stop posting

and brett is right there are over 12 that i know of


I’m sure there are.
My point was that there are not thousands like other cars because some commments were made aboot how many there are now.