This guy does :bigclap:
awesome! $6600 car to pay for 1.9million in ticket fines
EDIT: it’s not sedelmeier is it?
Lol what the hell was he doing?
1,000 tickets for 1.9 million bucks? How much are the damn tickets?
tyler are you OK?
Folha OnLine said the car is worth about $6,600 and was impounded. It will be auctioned unless the man comes up with the money he owes.
say bye bye to your $6600 car
lmfao wow. “he was always too buisy to register it in his name” wtf lol. what a dipshit.
Folha OnLine said the car is worth about $6,600 and was impounded. It will be auctioned unless the man comes up with the money he owes.
So does that mean his tickets go away if they auction his car?
If so, sweet deal. hah
it’s brazil, and i would think that he pulled a power move. Pay 1.6 mill or just say goodbye to current wheels.
fuck, and I thought The_Russian had it bad with 16points on his lisence
i’m so bummed. they’re going to auction off my car