Ticket Race

I laughed pretty hard at this video


Not sure if it’s a repost… if it is…


lmfao, the only funny part about this clip is that the corvette stole the mercedes ticket hahaha, thats hilarious.

“There’s another one. Look!” :rofl

ahah must be nice to just not care

I wouldnt care either if they let me barrow the lambo or ferrari. A few hundred dollar ticket is better than $2,500 an hour it costs to rent the lambo lol.

hah this is true, a 70 dollar ticket is nothing these days

It’s not the ticket but the points system and increase in insurance rates that prevents most people from not caring.

Honestly 95% of the time if you simply ask for the maximum fine instead of points they will gladly agree and if not you adjorn it and get a $200 traffic lawyer and he gets rid of the points anyway. I’ve gotten 7 speeding tickets and I’ve only got 2 points from when I was 17 and didnt know this info nor wanted to dish out alot of cash.

you ask on the spot? just curious, never heard of anybody outright asking that before, obviously it is preferred unless you’re living paycheck to paycheck

Yea dude every time… When I get a ticket I always plead not guilty. When my court date comes, I go to court. You sign in and then eventually someone calls you into an office where they discuss what you did… You tell them your sorry and is there anyway you can just get the maximum fine and no points as points are important to you. NEVER has ANYONE turned me down… But im probably just jynxing myself as I have a speeding ticket court date coming up some time soon lolol.

that was rediculous lol, those guys are obviously loaded so they dont give a fuck, traffic tix can be upwards of 500 for street racing, or they could write u a ticket for everything in the book thats big fines but no points. the average person would be broke! no way a cop will do that, esp wen a ticket can cost 200,000.00…yes 200k…heres the proof

The previously most expensive speeding ticket on record was handed out earlier this year in Switzerland where speeding fines are calculated on your net worth, as opposed to flat penalties which do not seriously deter the mega-wealthy.
The record holder was a diplomat from the republic of Guinea-Bissau caught driving a Ferrari Testarossa at 137 kmh (85 mph) through a village in Eastern Switzerland. The penalty was calculated as a percentage of the motorist’s wealth – assessed to be 24 million Swiss francs by the court – and the seriousness of the offense, his record and… the speeding ticket totalled nearly US$290,000 – a King’s ransom for most, but a trifle in comparison to Perridon’s fine – and he wasn’t driving the car. In this case the perpetrator claimed diplomatic immunity for his offense, it only succeeded in saving him from being named, not from being fined

Oh ok, I see what you do. When I said on the spot I meant like literally on the side of the road pulled over next to the cop.

Yea, but dude, a few things here… #1, were in the USA, #2 they didnt say WHAT KIND of ticket they needed to get, just to get 1 and the 1 guy got a non points ticket. As for the other guy, idk why he said it was a $500 ticket, but I think I only paid like $50 and a $120 surcharge for my reckless driving ticket… lol, chances of getting a $200,000 ticket??? come on lol.

yea i found this guy the ny ticket fixer, i got a double the speed limit ticket, for 160 he got ride of all the point and got reduced to parking ticket.

ohhh nahhh lol, you’d prolly get arrested for bribery or some shit if you did that haha.

yea, 90% of speeding tickets get reduced to parking on pavement or some shit like that.

lol i agree i busting balls but it can and does happen! lol i read about what i posted a few days ago and thought it was crazy! then this vid and ur post made me think, eh good time to bring it up lolol but be careful what you wish for when you ask for the maximum fine is all lol

lol i just use my lawyer, for my worst ticket she was 70bux. using her ive never spent over 200 and never ever goto court! i hate goin their!

I wonder why my 53 in a 30 wasn’t reduced more… no prior tickets and they gave me 2pts.

all i know it next year when im in maryland for H2Oi i am definitely doing 150 bombs. shits less than 100 bucks and no points. and we got the video to prove it.