gotta love missed connections....

so, are you gonna call him back and give him the digits or what. will your husband be upset? are you going to make it a regular interval bootycall?

OMG you’re on here?!?!?!?!?!? Hey my number is 735-4040. I’m good to meet up friday night :wink:

Are you trying to promote this ad? Is it your intent to hope more people will see this? Are you the original poster?

Don’t judge our love!

Lol @ the username “split em up”.


Can somoene please copy/paste the post? Criagslist is blocked here at work :frowning:

We connected, but… w4m (34)

we met last saturday nite in a little country bar.
ended up in a motel on the blvd and it was awesome.
you are married but gave me your cell # which i cannot
find anywhere now.
if you see this, please contact me at my work. i just
HAVE to see you again.

I don’t see the humor…

this is not me. the things people post online are a reason to get out of bed everyday!

That one isn’t even that funny.

tacos? I don’t get it

This is a Missed Connection for all of the missed opportunities in my life.

To all the guys I have drunkenly slept with/hooked up with: I know that the premise of a drunken hook up is that you never have to talk to the person again, but would it have killed even one of you to just try? Once? Clearly I was good looking enough and slightly intelligent enough for you to pay attention to in the first place, so maybe you could have just tried. Then when we did hook up, I know that I gave you the most mind-blowing blow job of your life and if you kept it up long enough for me to finish I swallowed that shit like a champ, and you were god damned satisfied. Then I probably let you do me from behind cause I knew you’d like that. Wouldn’t you want to grab my digits to at least have a chance at that again in your life? Plus I make fucking awesome cookies and even though you didn’t know that at the time, I probably would have let you have some sometime. Anyway what I’m saying is this is your loss and even though I understand drunken hook ups mean nothing, some of you were pretty cool and were even decent in bed so I wouldn’t have minded a repeat performance. Maybe I just have too many daddy issues.

To all the guys who stare at me while I’m at work/driving/in line somewhere/on my lunch break/at a concert/etc, etc: When did staring become socially acceptable? Oh, wait, it didn’t. Certainly not if you don’t plan on making some sort of move afterward. I understand if you’re a creepy old man or a normal young/middle aged man who is with his significant other and it would be awkward and rude for you to approach me (you can keep looking though, it makes me feel good about myself when you stare at me while your girlfriend is right there. Go ahead, check out my rack, it’s awesome, I know). But the rest of you have NO EXCUSES. Man the fuck up and say something, ESPECIALLY if I look back into your eyes and act interested. Maybe I’m scary, I don’t know. I guess that having a facial piercing makes me seem too intense? Not sure. But you’re definitely checking me out anyway and too scared to do anything (by the way, that’s what all you pussies use Missed Connections for anyway - because when you see hot chicks you can’t approach them irl so you run to the interwebz). I swear I’m nice. Like, really nice, actually. If you’re not my type I’ll let you down easy. Yeah, yeah, it’s the 21st century and I could say something too but guess what? That just isn’t how I roll. Sometimes I like to be courted. So come to me or get nothing.

To all of the potential employers that won’t hire me: So I understand that you’re looking for someone with “experience.” I understand that there are probably plenty of those people hanging around without jobs because of the recession. That’s fine. Hire them first. Don’t give me a chance. I understand the business model behind that, but HOW WILL I EVER GET EXPERIENCE IN ANYTHING IF NO ONE WILL HIRE ME. Don’t get me wrong, I have a job, and I’ve had other jobs, and even a very good internship that I happened to blow right into quite easily. Want to know why? Because I’m fucking awesome. I’m well-qualified for almost any entry-level position you can throw at me because I’m smart, hard-working, determined, and I learn really fucking fast and that’s not something I say just because it looks good on my resume. But you’ll never know. And your customers/other employees will never get to know either, just how awesome I could be at the job you are posting. Because you are stubborn. Gosh I’d work under most conditions for very little pay just to have a second job this summer but this is tough.

To the two douchebags on crotch rockets that were swerving in and out of traffic on the 290 the other day at high speeds: I’m actually glad that I missed the connection with your rear tire.

Feel free to reply if you have ever been involved in any of these situations, on either end. Be sure to tell me what I was wearing at the time and what I was holding in my left hand. Do not reply if you are a douchebag who rides a crotch rocket, I hate you.
