Gotta love UB parking

I saw this as I was leaving. The riced out POS eclipse parked between two spots and someone just pulled in right next to them. I got a good laugh.

lmao… well played focus driver

Awesome. :slight_smile:


deserved it, douche


shoulda parked closer…like mirrors touching close…then used his passenger door to get in.

but still a good effort :tup:

Sadly, the kind of bro who drives that Eclipse will probably take vengeance on the Focus driver and key him or something.

Did he really just take up two spots? its an eclipse… I don’t even park my M like that… I would have left him a note if I saw that.

Or was the parking fucked up all the way through?

you can also find one of those parking ticket guys lol… thats a 20 dollar ticket lol

Yup he took up two spots the cars on the left and right were both in in the lines. I did a double take when i saw it.

its a fucking eclipse… ugh… I’m surprised i didn’t see it… i parked in that lot today lol… I put my car all the way in the back though

This reminds me I have to make some “you park like a douchbag” cards. If you dont want people to park near you park further away.

If you’re that concerned park far out and walk your lazy ass.

at ub there isn’t to much way out empty parking anymore… they need to build a garage or something

My favorite thing about having 2 civics was that I didn’t care about them. I’d take 'em downtown and if someone tried to take up 2 spots, I’d park as close as I could to them. I had to get out through the hatch a few times.

there really isn’t…

you could park in ellicot… but thats a 10 min walk to campus :frowning:

I park in ellicot every day cause my dept is in their and it is still hard to stay away from other cars haha

That’s nothing, you should see how i park cars at the end of the day at the garage over the summer…

Thats fucking awesome!

I know whose eclipse that is. I can guarantee he didn’t park like that on his own accord. I’m sure someone else fucked up the parking situation well before he got there. But I’ll find him and give him shit for it LOL.