UB Parking lots today...

This has got to be a joke. Has anyone else seen the lots behind furnas? It’s incredible that these people even made it to college.

You park within the lines everyday of the fucking week, you’d think that these people have been able to figure out how to make their car parrallel WITH AT LEAST ONE OTHER OBJECT IN THE FUCKING PARKING LOT.
It seems like as soon as there is any snow on the ground, people lose all sense of geometry and can’t seem to get their car within 12 feet of another.

In the one lot, 2 more lines of cars added on to the row after the orange cone, leaving 4 ft of space between the last car and the sidewalk.

in the other lot… well i can’t even explain this with just words. just look at the pic.

fucking incredible.


heh is not just UB its everywhere and it pisses me off to no end

I always loved when people would triple park and get someone jammed in

seriously how RETARDED are you that you triple park

LOL, thats pretty much typical UB lol

I do this on purpose to piss people off. Sometimes I’ll take it to the next level and park perpendicular to the space. deal…

I like that you made the picture. :lol: thats how everyone parks in the winter.

:asian driver joke:

they prolly parked when the ground was all white and they couldnt see the lines? maybe?

they certainly did, but holy shit, it’s not hard to relate the distance you need to park away from another car, to the distance you’ve been parking next to cars on 364 other days of the year.

And it’s not like these fucking retards don’t park in that lot every day.

lol true, its a ‘snowball’ effect, no pun intended, uhteehee

forgot the tripple parkers

If I was suck in the middle I would drive over all the hondas and saturns in my way.


i like it

I always park in an end row, facing grass or a curb, now that i dont drive a GTO with 2 inches of clearance. If i get blocked in, drive over curb and invent exit.

Someone pulled that shit on me so I just rammed their car into the middle of the lot and left. I wish I could have seen the look on his/her face.

admitting to hit and run on a public forum :tup:

that’s what I was thinking.

way to go.

lol my work is the same way today, but my reserved spot pwns all

you made a diagram… lol

Words cannot express how much i hate UB. I was supposed to go to the Military acad, but then after some ricer motherfucker t boned me and fucked up my leg, that was the end of that. But why im still at UB i cant figure out.