And some new jumpoff’s from The Adventures of K20power and Murrdog9000 Makin’ Tape:

Thats Levianos integra in the first pic right? LOL

ya lol. when he broke an axle his first run of his first day at the track lol

You need to do more school work

classes are done for the day kiiiiiiiiiiid

wuts a murgod9000?

check ebay

Lmfao @ this thread

SHIT. fuck type-o’s lol

well then. good for you

great stuff in here

Glad to contribute.

Thanks PAUL :rofl

Be like PAULs, dont be funny?

Nah, this Paul is relatively funny :smiley: :rofl

Mkay. Will file that for future reference. PJB = Not funny. This Paul = relatively funny. Check.

Oh come on. NOTHING beats “Yeah lets go to Berne, where men are men and the sheep run scared”

And while were at it…heres something potentially SCARY…his initials…PJB…my initials…PJT. :ahh Should I be skeered? YOU DECIDE