all of you should be ashamed. touching the super rare E36 M3.
all of you should be ashamed. touching the super rare E36 M3.
so i guess your with us slow pokes now :nana
I dont have a problem with breaking the rules, I just think its interesting people are calling the girl a bitch for doing her job after rules were broken.
Edit for shift518 DRAMA
Whores :excited
Yeah but it was pretty obvious that you weren’t supposed to go in the car, it’s called common sense.
I agree
That’s what I thought.
All for breaking rules, but dont act surprised when the chick has an attitude that you didnt take the obvious cue to not get in the car.
not because she did her job, i didn’t even see her yell at anyone. I was simply referring to the people out front’s demeanor from my perspective.
I just meant the E36 incident.
I actually thought the people out front were pretty nice? Beats me.
When we first got there (I think we got there ahead of you guys?) the one kid with the vest and dress shirt on under it was kind of giving an attitude about us all coming together. The girls at the front desk seemed to be really nice and friendly though. The girls that yelled at singh or whatever just seemed bitchy to me? Maybe it was cuz they just got done yelling at idiots??? rofl
Ah, we got there before you guys and it was ddeeead quiet, so no one was stressed. Then I just proceeded to hit on the 16 yr old bartender. That’s about all the interaction I had with them.
Adam just texted me: “I AM FUUUUUCKKKEDD UPPP!!!” presumably from taking a rib cage full of my kart at 30mph.
ahahaha awesome. if you got there first how come you were still racing after we had finished? just curious…??
nice job on the contact :drink
We spread our races out. We didn’t do them back to back.
We had our first race right as you guys were getting there, then the schedule got screwed up and our last 3 werent until the end. I thought they did a great job fixing the mix up, which actually was the main reason I thought they were pretty nice. They bent over backwards to fix it. Whatever.
Westchester County comes with some attitude I’d assume.
I thought all the people there were very cool, right at the beginning before we even started to race they told us they knew we were all buddies here together so that they would let the bumping slide a bit, long as we didn’t endanger anyone. I’d say they let some rather blatant hits go with no more than a wave of the black flag.
The on track guys were more than leniant and awesome to deal with :bowdown
I could have sworn that 6 was less than 8
jeff and wayne are backwards ?
So im suposed to be the perfect guy ? obv i don’t think all the time, but iw as thinking then, I was thinking “im not supposed to sit in this car, but who really cares im not gonna break it, and it will be a 5 second experience of sitting in this car for the hell of it” so what…
you guys act like I got in the car started it up and started doin donuts in the lobby
Well, I dont know or care what Jeff said about any of that, but I know I was not allowed to sit in it, I even said that before I got into the car, but I sat it in it anyways.
Call me an asshole for doing something so daring but at least when the girl came to tell me to get out i wasnt giving her a hard time, i know plently of people who woulda just kept on sitting in the car and arguing like idiots…
Dont make drama out of this, there was no drama at the time, there is no drama needed now for something like that lolol
And i don’t mean to be e thuggin by any means but I think its pretty lame NONE of you told me that i was so bad and immature and etc etc at the time this happened, yet you can say all this online now…comon guys
and benny you weren’t there
screw you sinkh you immoral e36 toucher