I know a bunch of you guys have been to fasttrax by now. post your Usernames so we have some people to compete with and talk shit to each other in this thread.

Im hangdang, went there for the first time today.


Fastrax Shift518 Member Times:

*All times are best lap

NEW Track - post 12/11/2013

- Shift Username - Fasttrax Username - Best Lap Time

1 - 91teg - 91teg - 19.683
2 - Phate - Phate - 19.997
3 - GD3Skier - Turd Fergusen - 20.108
4 - k2024egcoupe - Chronugs - 20.114
5 - CapitalCrew - CapitalCrew - 20.274
6 - DeathbyRT - Death - 20.475
7 - B1llb3rt - B1LLB3RT - 21.093

OLD Track - pre 12/11/2013

  #   -   Shift Username   -   Fasttrax Username   -   Best Lap Time   
  1   -   Jammer   -   Jammer   -   18.865   
  2   -   sbardy   -   sbardy   -   19.148   
  3   -   GD3Skier   -   Turd Fergusen   -   19.301   
  4   -   K20power   -   Joey4G   -   19.339   
  5   -   BURNALL4   -   Mike Rubin   -   19.429   
  6   -   91teg   -   91teg   -   19.453   
  7   -   crAppAchic0   -   Donkey   -   19.522   
  8   -   DeathbyRT   -   Death   -   19.540   
  9   -   Steve@Synapse   -   Steve@Synapse   -   19.603   
  10   -   CFD Productions   -   CFD   -   19.610   
  11   -   CapitalCrew   -   CapitalCrew   -   19.638   
  12   -   tdi_logic   -   petey_highboost   -   19.798   
  13   -   Ohnopopo   -   Nick Rankin   -   19.883   
  14   -   ReDevil   -   r3devi7   -   19.900   
  15   -   94Gt5.0   -   ???   -   19.999   
  16   -   JSEnclosures   -   HI0F1CER   -   20.037   
  17   -   Mike   -   Sarge   -   20.106   
  18   -   DRock518   -   DRock518   -   20.195   
  19   -   Captain Morgan   -   Ds70r   -   20.262   
  20   -   99SI   -   Shawn Burdick   -   20.332   
  21   -   Phate   -   Phate   -   20.381   
  22   -   KillerBlackbird   -   KillerBlackbird   -   20.400   
  23   -   Vovchandr   -   Vovchandr   -   20.572   
  24   -   Cossey   -   Cossey   -   20.602   
  25   -   6spd_ek   -   1spd_ekart   -   20.672   
  26   -   blkwgn   -   REDWGN   -   20.751   
  27   -   QuickLT1   -   B-Rad   -   20.828   
  28   -   6SPD S4   -   Mandingo   -   20.900   
  29   -   MSport1223   -   MSport1223   -   21.300   
  30   -   JRubino   -   Jrubino   -   21.812   
  31   -   Criscone24   -   Criscone   -   21.865   
  32   -   deadbeatrec   -   Emanuel   -   22.000   
  33   -   Ilya   -   Ilya   -   22.160

Name Mandingo. First time as well today with Sbardy. Best of 20.9xx out of two races.

Haven’t been yet. Worth it? I’ll be MSport when I go.

I guess I’m going Saturday afternoon for my birthday to set the slowest lap time.

Sticky this


Just looked this up. Is it worth it?

Place is awesome.

Wtf do you guys expect when you combine 50 Mph, electric karts, and hot girls at the front desk.

no way in hell they do 50. id say 25 max!!

name is my name. didnt know i was suppose to use an allis

Shut the fuck up Debbie downer.

50mph 2" from the ground feels like your doing 120. they are fun for sure but not 50mph fun

I’m going today with my kids , ill name myself king-ding-a-ling

I already saw the biggest car fag I know(Stallmer) place last both races out of the guys we went with.

I bet you did horrible and now your all down on yourself. Stop trying to bring everyone else down Debbie.

I just looked and the carts are going 50 they claim

i went the first day. 22.0 was my best out of two races. im not down on myself at all. i just know for a fact carts dont go that fast.

how old/ tall do the kids have to be? can’t find anything on their site.

been 4 our 5 times now and every time you go and are in the top three or four you gain rpm for the next time you race everyone starts out with 1200rpm the more times you go and the more guys who are in your race the more rpm you can gain

They can do up to 50. They adjust them on the remote depending on how everyone is doing.

Ill make sure not to go when your there.

Don’t wanna give the wrong impression to your kids… Wouldn’t wanna make them think your a loser.

the carts CAN do 50, but they limit their top speed unless you do some sort of driving class and get a fast trax license to run unrestricted. im not sure about all of the details though.