Grand Theft Auto on PSP

Picked up GTA Liberty City Stories for PSP yesterday. Pretty fucking cool.
Its basically GTA3 with some new features and in portable form. The graphics are awesome, the sound is great, the music is good, the radio personalities are funny. This is THE game to have for PSP.

Also, there is multiplayer on this game. I haven’t tried it yet but I can’t wait to see what its about.

T fucking UP

I’ve read the reviews… sounds like a pretty cool game. Just make sure to buy a charger for the battery so you run it off of an outlet… I hear it drains batteries nice and fast.

PSP comes with a wall charger.

I have been fine with the battery life on my PSP though. I usually only play an hour at a time anyway.

This is one game I may just put on my Christmas list so I can check it out. The reviews have been really good for it. :tup: Ya, I can’t play more than that too… gotta get up and do shit.

I’m waiting for the price to come down… on this game… and for me to finish some of the games I have.
My only dissapointment w/ the PSP is the REQUIRED upgrade… I lost all my emu’s and homebrew apps.

omg i totally wanna see the multiplayer

granted i have no intrest in buying that overpriced gameboy but still


Its far superior to any Gameboy.

MP3 player, MPEG4 player, Internet, Photography viewer, nearly PS2 quality graphics, full length movies. Price is a little high but compare its functions to the price and its not too bad.

I dunno, I’m not bashing the homebrew crowd… but I think high-quality gaming is better than that new calculator you downloaded.

PSP quality is better, and I like it more… BUT>… I’d like to run my emulators on it… I’ve got MAD n60, SNES, and NES roms… Still not the same as PSP… but I’d like to play em… I guess it’s ok… Kuz I’ve still got my dreamcast.

I didn’t think I would ever purchase an “overpriced Gameboy” But I was wrong… the graphics are awesome, and I got it on ebay for about 100 off retail… so I figured why the fuck not… I like electronic toys. When LCS comes down to the 39.00 range, or 35.00 used I’ll pick it up… but not till then I’m 'sure it’s a sweet game but I’mm busy playin poker, and diablo like untold legends

i dont even know WTF PSP is…

Just picked this game up yesterday. I convinced the girlfriend to consider it an early Christmas gift. :tup: I’ve only played a little of this because I just didn’t have the chance last night to play alot. I’m already greatly impress at how this game looks. Load times are no worry in this game. I can see this selling alot of PSP’s just for the game. I keep the PSP plugged in when I play just to keep the bettery topped off but other than that I’m very happy with this game. Finally a killer app for the PSP.

PSP = PlayStation Portable

best PSP game I’ve got!!!


Dreamcast 4 Life. :tup:

I’m still playing Vice City on PS2


i thought some group released a homebrew that can roll back the latest firmware to an older one…

Wouldn’t surprise me in the least. I don’t care about all that homebrew shit though. I like to just play my games.


I played a bunch more of GTA: LCS last night. All I can say is wow. This shows what the PSP is really capable of. Very impressive on a “disk” that holds little more than a Gamecube game disc.

only from 2.0 to 1.5, not 2.5. And I’m not about switching firmwares depending on what I"m playing.

I broke down and bought it, WSOP was borring as fuck… I dunno what I was thinking… poker for fake money… what a waste of time… sold it on ebay and picked up LCS…

This game is pretty sweet…
I’m waiting for someone to make a tool that will allow me to convert my mp3 files for use with the custom tracks option, and also one that will work for mac.

I’m very impressed that I remember the map from gt3, and how they preserved a lot of the GT3 style of gameplay, as well as upgrading it a little bit.