Video Game Review: Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories for the PSP(With pic)

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories

This is the newest addition to the Grand Theft Auto family, and it’s a PSP exclusive. If you are a GTA veteran then you will instantly recognize these streets from GTA III. But that is as far as the similarities go. This is an all new game that is played to perfection on the PSP. All new storie lines, missions, and tasks. There are all the vehicles that you want to look for… Cars, Trucks, Bikes, Boats… sorry no Planes this time around.

The graphics are very comparable with San Andreas on the PS2… and that’s a real good thing. You have never seen a portable game like this. Every thing is as detailed as you expect them to be… right down to the squeaky shocks when getting it on with a prostitute in the park. The graphics are very impressive

Again, the PSP really delivers here. There could have been another few radio stations but that will not affect the game one bit in the long run. There is a fix to this however. Luckily with a quick visit and then download from Rockstar’s website. The subsequent 911Kb application, will allow you to add your own custom soundtracks to the game from a memory card. Very big thumbs up right there.

The tightly knitted storyline doesn’t let the side down as you complete short mission after mission. Rockstar has said that to recognise the fact most people will be playing it on the commute missions have been designed to not take quite so long as perhaps die hard fans have come to expect. The average is a couple of minutes and this ultimately means the game is certainly more approachable. This is an ideal addition since this is a portable version of the game.

Final Verdict:
With all of the Adult Oriented gaming you can handle, this will surely fill your need. Keeping with the popular open-ended gameplay makes for some great free roaming fun. The load times also help. The game only loads briefly in the beginning and occasionally when you leave a building. So with slim load times you expect to keep running down people with the fire truck that you borrowed. As a PSP title GTA Liberty City Stories pushes the boundaries to the limit.

5 :tup:'s out of 5

good thing it has a tighhtly knitted storyline… :stuck_out_tongue:

:tup: from me as well… but i was getting dizzy standing and playing it

:word: A storyline will make or break a game.

yea this game rules ive probably played 15 hours worth AT LEAST already

Awesome game.
Except I am stuck now. I am on the second island and I can’t beat the mission where you go and shoot the gang members in the policemans sports car and then you have to shoot the guys chasing you.

And I can’t beat the Leone mission where you have to save him from Chinatown. I am stuck.

This game has been in my PSP since I got it… DEf a :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: of 5 from me.
The story line is just starting for me…

I’ll list some of the bad
The controls are just a little odd and take awhile to get use to, with no pressure sensitive controls it makes driving a little more difficult, but not a ton.

The weapon switch isn’t very easy on the fly as you are moving with the analog, and have to switch with the dpad.

The software to use custom music only works for PC (Sorry mac ppl) and from what I’ve read only works from Store-purchased CD’s not any burned disks (Fetter can you confirm or deny)

Wish list
A way to take screen shots easily so you can share w/ your friends, or at least use on your comptuer.

After downloading the software I can easily say that it does work on custom CD’s… so far anyways… lol.

You have to hook your PSP up to your computer through a USB cable and then the button to transfer the songs is activated in the software. What it does is create a single “radio station” just for your music tracks that you choose to use. Just pause the game, turn on custom tracks under audio… then you can cycle through the tracks you uploaded to the game.

still gotta wait for the software to come out for mac… I may fire up virtual PC just for this though.

It seems to be worth it. Rips it right from the CD and does something to it then puts it somewhere in your PSP… lol. Not in the Music folder though which kinda sucks. At least it’s a program actually made by Rockstar… not a “3rd party” product. The fact that they made this for their game is sweet.:tup:

Here’s a link to the trailer for the game:

Also, a link to a good Dave Chappelle GTA parody:

This game sees more action than my work computer lately. I play this game religiously before I go to bed. I suck at doing drive-bys though:shoot:

It gives me something to do on these late nights at work when I’m waiting for something to run. And yes, it’s a good play before bed. I tend to just fool around and drive around harrassing people more than anything. That could be the game itself and it would still rock. I have to start getting these missions completed… can’t wait. :slight_smile:

Aren’t the graphics amazing?