Grandmother stole grandson's Christmas presents and try selling it for crack

The only way this story could get better is if she intend to share the crack with him…:crackup

Enjoy your stay…:rofl

Albany grandmother charged with selling gifts for crack
December 21, 2011 4:43 PM
Marci Natale

While a three year old boy was asleep on the couch on the second floor of his father’s North Lake Avenue apartment, Police say his grandmother, Andrea Ocasio, who was supposed to be baby-sitting, took the Christmas presents her son had purchased and walked out the front door. The boy’s father returned home around three in the morning and noticed there was a problem.

“He saw that the front door was open, saw that his three year old son was sleeping on the couch, Mother was no where to be found.” said Albany Police Officer James Miller.

Ocasio’s son called police right away, while waiting for them to arrive, police say he saw his Mother walk outside of what they call a known drug house, several doors down.

“He confronts her, why she left, where did the presents go. She ended up admitting eventually that she had stolen the presents, that she had obviously left the house and used the presents to purchase crack cocaine.” said Miller.

Drugs were not found in Ocasio’s possession and no drugs were found in the house, but police did find something very important, to a three year-old.

“When the officers went back to the house the gifts were there.” said Miller. The gifts consisting of a Northface jacket, sneakers and Ugg boots equaled close to 500 dollars. Ocasio has been charged with endangering the welfare of a child and petit larceny.

wow :dunno

Guess she was dreaming of a “white” Christmas.

This shit makes me sick.

:facepalm there are some people who are such shiteating scumbags that should just be beaten. i mean SRSLY? you 3 year old grandson’s christmas presents for CRACK MONEY?

Fucking 3 year old living in the ghetto getting nicer gifts than me…


If you lived in a $400/month apartment, you too could afford a nice pair of Ugg boots for yourself.

Ugg boots + northface makes me think more douchebag/nisky kid than albany/crack-addict grandma

what’s worse is that the child is male. im pretty sure ugg doesnt make shoes for males. like at all.

Im going to assume that people are assuming that every present under the tree was.going to go to the three year old… serious?

more like ghetto princess