So much for Christmas...

So im at work tonight at Hyde Park doing a valet shift and it was pretty dead around there tonight. The mall had closed at 5 and only the restaurants are open.

Anyways, long story short, this girl worked at cheesecake factory. Went out to her car around 9 to find her window had been smashed and all the presents she had bought for her boyfriend (server in Hyde Park), had been stolen.

She came into the front door crying and told her boyfriend all the gifts she bought him were gone. This guy looked devistated, but he was more mad about the broken window.

I just figured it was a pretty shitty thing to have happen to someone who im sure didnt deserve that. I hope that person feels pretty awesome giving the gifts that someone else bought to their own family. :tdown: to scumbags

dude, you should really give her the gifts back.

Yea that does suck, worse is the night before christmas… KARMA fo sho!! Maybe that person we will be run over by a bus on the way home.

i wish i could, but the bag of rocks i traded them for is to die for!


the kids exact words to me, “i dont care who you are, when someone steals my gifts on christmas eve and i find out, im burning their fucking house down.” and this kid meant it, he had some fire in his eyes.

Fuckin’ people.

oh and the worst part is there was a camera right above where it all happened and the dumbass security guard didnt even think of it untiil i said something. it was some 89 year old man that could barely fill out a fake mall security incident report.

several years ago i had my truck broken into and 3,000 worth of CD’s DVD’s and P2 games stolen out of my ruck along with the CD player.

:tdown: thats hardcore weaksauce.

never leave gifts in a car. This city has to many pos in it

It seems like this sort of thing has been happening a lot this year. Pretty shitty. I hate thieves with a passion.

This is where one of those south african security cars would come in handy. When the alarm goes off fire shoots our from under every side of the car. Toasted thief FTW.

Here’s an idea, put them in the trunk so they are out of sight and the temptation is gone.


I feel bad for her, but come on, it’s the fucking galeria, aka, the most ghetto mall in WNY. Don’t leave anything visible in your car that’s of any value.

well it was an 19 year old girl that was driving an equinox. i know i feel safe because i have an expensive alarm system on my car, but i always try to park near or under a camera just in case something happens.

Hope she learns from it…

pretty tough lesson to learn. i didnt even know the kid, but i offered to throw some money into a pool for him hoping others would join, especially the servers he works with, but they all said no, greedy bastards. would it hurt to have everyone throw in $10 and help this guy get some of his presents back?

Probably some dude from the east side…

The creep is getting into cheektowaga…

Well booohoooo. Stupid bitch deserves it…

i hope it was my ex.

wack sauce. next time bring them inside. i had over $600 in gift cards sitting in my trunk. the next day I was like “wtf am I thinking?” Brought them inside and have been cool ever since.

Was she hot? Pics?