How to steal from any major retail stores

taken from another webiste…

also, i dont steal, and i dont like thiefs, but i thought this was interesting.

How to steal from any major retail stores
I thought of this while reading the Toys R Us stealing thread.
Okay well you go into the store, lets say walmart.
You pick the item you want to buy, lets say a good pair of 80$ headphones.
Pay for it, walk out and put the headphones in your car.
Keep the receipt and the bag and put it in your pocket.
Then walk back into the store, grab another pair of the same headphones and stealthily put it into the bag.
Walk out, if the alarms go off you have the receipt to prove you didn’t steal it.
(Good thing products are classified by UPC, not serial numbers)
Bring one of the headphones back 10 days later and get your money back.

:gotme: thoughts?

ahahahah nice

you shoulda kept this as your own personal shit, now its on a public forum, everyone and thier mom is gonan do it.

Well golly. That right theres amayzing. Some sorta crimnal genus musta come up wit dat.

not an unknown thing…

Ya, ^ word.

I’ve had a few friends do it…

to make it easier…go back in with the reciept, grab the same product off the shelve and just return that.
Much easier than dealing with security.

Great plan, unless one of the plain clothes security people or someone watching the camera notices you putting the item you’re stealing in the bag.

theres def easier ways. i’d be afraid to get caught stealing anything though.

so many cameras…1 person notices you walk out without checking out…not worth it

Yes cameras will catch your ass.

well the place to do this is at like wal-mart or a place with multiple checkouts within the store

in my highschool days i did this many times.

at Wal-Mart you do not need a receipt, at least you didnt back then.

they just took my ID and said you could only return without a receipt 3 times per year.

I bet a girl-friend of mine that you could do this and she didnt beleive me, i think i did it with a set of $80 fog lights…

A friend of mine at the time had just left his job as a dept. manager at Wal-Mart and told me all the return stories he had seen… so i decided to test them out and sure enough it worked.

you can also return things to Wal-Mart that you didnt buy there… i once obtained a Garmin GPS for next to nothing and returned it at Wal-Mart for $335 in store credit with which i bought all my christmas presents with.

as for the ‘theft’ issue… Fuck Wal-Mart anyways… conceptually speaking theft is wrong. In practice, when done at wal-mart, it is by far the lesser of muliple evils.

i could go on for hours about more stories like this, but maybe in person and not on the interweb.

My short experience in retail was that the undercover shopper was much better than the camera. We all obviously knew who he was but we weren’t allowed to acknowledge him any differently than a normal customer. The guy was damn good at just blending in while keeping watch and would bust several people each week.

As long as we’re confessing old sins, I remember a car stereo amp that popped just out of warranty when I was 16 or 17. Went to the store, bought the same one, put the broken one in the box and returned it for a refund.

It was at Walmart so like Bing said, lesser of two evils.

When someone is thinking about doing this call me, I will give you the money requried to legally purchase the product because not that I care that a dept. store gets ripped off, but do you want to get arrested (or take the chance) for that sweet pair of headphones…???

im not reading the replies because i don’t care if it was already posted.

is this how you got such a huge cologne supply to sell?

im thinking about stealing a 72" tv, you can send the cash to my house if you want

ah yes, the camera issue.

in a casino all the black orbs have a camera and are watching you… in a Wal-Mart of other dept stores they do not.

some of the black glass balls are entirely empty, some of then do not pan and most importantly most stores, and i would assume wal-mart is this way, do not staff employees who have the capacity to monitor every inch of the store in real time.

i cant recall if it was a wal-mart but a buddy i had who worked in a place like this advised me that the women who were technically responsible for the cameras didnt even work everyday.

the black orbs and cameras in general are simply meant as a deterrent.

My car was broken into on campus during my first year of university, the lot was video-surveilled, i told the campus police the 30 minute window, they advised me that they would do nothing about it.

“that is not what the camera’s are for,” he said, “they are just a deterrent”

dont be cowed my friends. There are people who make a living off of Wal-Mart and other stores in exactly this fashion.

why is it that the cologne i had for sale is always so fresh on your mind?

IB4 walmart’s undercover shopper busts someone from nyspeed, because that was where my limited retail experience came from and I watched him bust people with far more criminal experience that most people on this board. :slight_smile:

Stealing in the mall means just walking out with whatever you want. Try it sometime nobody will stop you.

+1 to the risk/reward consideration.