What would you do (v. theft)

Names are changed to protect the innocent/guilty.

I’ve been seeing this girl (jen) the past few days, she just moved into a new appt complex for students. It’s her and one other girl (ashley) living in the appt.
One of the first days they met, Jen took Ashley in her car to go get some gas and get food. Jen had $50 in her wallet, which was left in the car when she was pumping gas. After they got home Jen noticed the $50 was missing. She knew she didn’t lose/misplace it, but also knew that Ashley would not do such a thing, so she brushed it off.
Keep in mind, Jen and Ashley are becoming very good friends and are getting along very good. A few days ago both girls were working for a radio station at an event. Both girls purses were left in the LOCKED van. At the end of the day, Jen noticed she was missing $250 out of her purse (birthday money) and Ashley claimed she was missing $50 as well. They flipped out and told their boss and filed a police report. Jen and Ashley went to Jens house to talk to her parents about it. The next day, Jens dad calls her and said that he is missing a few hundred dollars out of his wallet, but he doesn’t want to point fingers because he has no proof.
Jen has asked Ashley numerous times if she had ever went into the radio station van at the event, just asking her if she saw anything suspicious, Ashley replied with a NO everytime.
The radio station members were all interviewed and none were sounding sketchy, but a few said that Ashley asked for keys to the van a few times and when she got them, she spent a few minutes in the van.

 And to top everything off, Ashley has been claiming she is so broke, but recently came home with a bunch of new clothes, and just today, came home with 3 bottles of mildly priced wine.  She claims that some old guy gives her money and takes her shopping all the time...

I really want to help Jen out, and have been thinking of ways to get proof.

I’m thinking of taking my video camera and hiding it in the appt, and when I sleep there, leave my wallet on the kitchen table with cash in it, almost as bait. I think that would be enough to get the cops involved.
Anyone else got any great ideas?
To make everything even harder, ashley keeps telling jen that shes going to find who is fucking with her and “cut” them. lolz, its disgusting how two faced someone could be, if infact she is the criminal.

2 girls move in appt together
1 girl is missing $50
same girl looses $250 the next day
roomie is buying all sorts of shit even when she claims she is broke

So your stealing money from this girl and blaming it on her roomate?

bait the money and write down serial numbers before you do so she cant try to pretend that she was looking for something or didnt take anything or try to get away from it some other way

camera is a good idea, but don’t go to the cops, just be watching the tape on the living room tv when that other girl gets home. be like “yo check this shit out, it’s fucking cum slut broke bitches caught on camera, it’s a new tv show”. then make her pay back every red cent or you’ll kill her family one by one. or just steal shit from her so she knows how shitty it feels.

fuckin cleptos…

Wow, that’s pretty fucked up.

Is this girl retarded? Does she really think she’s not gonna get caught somehow, and beat to fuck with her own shoes?


^^ im going to have to agree.

id say do your plan but right after she takes the money and its on tape…kill the tape. Knock her out, take newds. Take a small documentary and post it up. when she wakes up say i dont know what happened but someone knocked me out too lets “cut” them if we find out who did it.

lol +karma

The funny thing is, she offers to give jen money to go out and such, but it’s her own damn money.

If she takes the money in the apartment, knowing that it’s just you, her, and the other chick, she MAY be the dumbest criminal.

Candid cam and bait. Nuff said. Funny. A friend used to date an Ashley that was a suspect in numerous thefts of money from wallets and purses. Wonder if its the same chick. She got a moon chin?

No, Ashley is a colored girl from the south.

i also thought that he changed the names lol?

I think when he said “Ashley” he ment, that type of person, not the actual name…

Considering how you were labeled a racist previously on here, that is quiet mild and politically correct of you lol.

I know, I didn’t even want to include that because I don’t want it to turn into that bullshit.
hence why it was left out of the O.P

wrap a 50 around your dick and see if she takes it.

i want pics of the girls… you can do that “thing” to their faces if you so choose.

i would say protect yo shit and and dont get involved. the worst thing you could do is try to catch her and find out its not her and then you look guilty.

karmas a bitch…im sure she will get whats coming to her.