question about stolen property

a bunch of games and movies went missing from my house i think its my girlfriend that took them but she of course denies it and i have no proof. So i went into FYE the other day and noticed one of my games on the shelf my cat ate part of the plastic case so i know its mine, but when i went to ask wo traded it in they said they wouldnt tell me without a police report, i explained that they were stolen and that i just wanna know who took them so i could take care of it hopefully without police being involved, no dice they would no longer talk to me without an officer. Dont you have to know ho stole something in order to get a police report in the first place, and if i go get one do they have to return the games back to me since they are stolen how could they be selling games that technically arent theres? i asked them to pull the games off the shelf and any other games whoever traded them in brought in but they refused.

I would talk to the police. You don’t have to know who stole something to file a police report. Stop and think about that for a minute. Isn’t it the cop’s job to figure that out? If I go home and find someone stole my lawnmower out of the shed do I have to figure out who did it before calling the cops? Of course not. They will probably ask if you have any ideas who might have done it because it makes their job a lot easier.

My only question is how much is a chewed corner a uniquely identifying mark? Depending on how lazy the cop is he may use that as an excuse to do nothing. Aka, if it’s Buffalo, forget about it. Not a lot of work for him to go to the store and see who sold them the used game though, and if it is you ex she’ll probably confess as soon as cop comes knocking on her door asking about where she got the games.

When you trade stuff in, do they even keep your name? Last I recalled they didn’t so I don’t know what you are expecting from the clerk if the cops actually did show up in the near future.

Its worth a call to their office but honestly, don’t have your hopes up too much.

Well, the fact that the store told him they wouldn’t tell him who traded them in without a police report makes it sound like they have a record of who traded them in.

side note: i would trade in your girlfriend.

is your g/f a meth-head?

^ no shit.

that’s pretty sketchy

call the cops. stop asking nyspeed for legal advice.


And any place that legally buys used games and resells them must keep a record of who they bought them from. EB did when I was there and still does so I would imagine that FYE would to.

Seriously though, for a few video games, you’re probably SOL.

lol. even though most people would break up with their girlfriend’s at this point, i’m glad you haven’t. i heard she gives a mean BJ, confirmed by a few people actually… and that’s worth it’s weight in gold :tup:

well its about $500 worth of games and movies and shes the only one with access to my apartment we got in a big ass fight the other day thats when i noticed them missing im allmost positive it was her cuz now she keeps trying to get me to talk to her she makes it seem like she did something wrong

no offense but if 2+2=4 then drop the fuggin klepto

cant trust bitches

i know you haven’t noticed the dead horse we’re beating here and all

but you need to ditch this girl of yours, my man.

:deadhorse: :deadhorse2: :deadhorse: :deadhorse2:

you know what you SHOULD do is post some pics of her so we can find her and interrogate her! just make sure they are nude pics.


change the locks, then file a police report

i allready did drop her i tried having her removed from my house but police said it cant be done and i have to just deal with her since she is technically my roomate, but since i pay all the bills now i can have her evicted once the rent is due if she doesnt pay. I just want to not have to hide shit in my own house i feel sorry for the girl and if i file a report and it ends up being her that stole the shit she goes to jail (she is on an ACD) for 6 months more and as much as i want her out my life i dont wanna put anyone in jail i wouldnt wish that on anyone.

true true. i guess you gotta wait for her to come up broke when rent is due

still i think this would have been awesome in an ex revenge nws thread! lol

Technically there should not be an off topic section right?
Because technically anything we ask can be found somewhere else.

just help the guy out.

well then stop bitching. beacuse when people break laws (consistently like she does apparently) they go to jail. Its really not that bad and people should stop being pussies about it. you didn’t wish her to steal your shit, she did.

Pretty much this thread can be locked. you ask a question then say WELL I DONT WANNA DO THAAAAT when you get the only possible answer. You got yourself into an embarrassing-level of corniness in a relationship, maybe next time you won’t be so OMG COOOL to let your bitch move in.

And srsly, throw her shit out the window and change the locks. problem solved. Grow some

theres about 3 people on here that actually know what the fuck they’re talking about when it comes to law… yet notice those threads usually have the higest post counts…

see where this is going