question about stolen property

Well that’s the risk you take when you post on a message board about stuff. Obviously people answer these threads, because everyone has an opinion on what they would do. But everyone knows that. And I think that’s what a forum is about…? So it’s not going to stop happening.

I think you just like to bitch-whine.

you’re a retard, because theres no OPINIONS when it comes to law, it is what it is.

and when we said to call the cops, he said no because she will get arrested, but the OP was asking if he should call the cops.

i just think you’re ugly as sin.

edit: KNOW*.

What does me being ugly have to do with ANYTHING? Am I supposed to cry or something? Every thread I’ve seen you in lately, you’re complaining about posts. Do you really get that worked up about this shit?

And yeah, there are opinions in this thread. Some people think he should call the cops. Some people think he should get rid of his girlfriend.


just stop

You’re the one who called me ugly.

You both should shut the fuck up and quit bickering. That def sucks that you have a klepto roommate it takes alot of time and bullshit.To evict someone.Make her life a living hell till she moves out. She will stay out of your life and not fuck shit up for you.



Jerry! Jerry![SIZE=5] Jerry![SIZE=7]Jerry!!![/SIZE][/SIZE]

sorry your life sucks and some whore stole your video games


pull the old cop trick. Tell her you spotted them at FYE and one of them had your name on the case or something and they told you it was her that traded them in and you want the money back now or else. If you already ditched her, what do you have to lose?

Dont see how that can fail… a threat of jail would definitely make me cough up the $$$ if it was me. Sadly, she probably already spent it on fucking shoes.

sadly this thread makes me think shoes would be a lot lower on her list of things to buy first. coughmethcough

so…let me get this straight.

You live with a crazy bitch who you are no longer dating…and she cannot move out because you are technically roomates (bad fucking idea right there BTW)…and now shit is coming up missing from your place and she is your only suspect. If it was me I would not take this shit lying down. Do what you feel is right but please be a man about this.

Or, make her sweat a little first.
Tell her you found your stolen games and movies at FYE for sale on a shelf, and you just talked to the police and they are getting the warrant to pull the info on who traded them in and when. Then tell her that you can’t wait to find out who stole your shit, because the police told you that they will be making an example out of this one because it’s happening all too often. maybe she’ll fess up. Then you call the cops. case closed.

but don’t be a bitch and feel sorry for her because she’ll go to jail for STEALING YOUR STUFF AND SELLING IT. It’s not a humanitarian issue. if she’s on an acd already, and she’s STILL doing illegal shit like that, her upbringers obviously didn’t do a very good job on morals and discipline. jail will probably save her from doing more stupid shit in the long run. Hell, try to get her face on the news and stuff too. 2 on your side? hahaha

Dawn, It’s funny that ineedacar is calling you ugly. I’ll PM you some really awesome pics that involve him…

I so hope you’re peeing on his face.

ya, but poop is more personal

Her getting arrested solves your eviction issue too. She gets a new place to live, you get rid of an unwanted roommate, it’s a win win.

There are other fish in the sea man. Fish that don’t steal your games and trade them in at FYE even.

how has no one posted this yet…

clear revenge is post her nudes on here.


IB4 lesions on her face and rotted teeth
