Friend arrested at Circuit City

Circuit City employee asks him to open his bag and show his receipt. He refuses, the CC employee won’t let him close the door to get in his car. My friend calls the cops, and gets arrested when he won’t give the cop his driver’s license.

So he made a huge event out of it, rather than show the associate his reciept. Why?

So pretty much your friends a giant douche bag thats going to take something this petty to court and waste his and tax payers money. I dont give a fuck who is right or wrong, they asked for a reciept all those big stores do this. Its common knowledge. If he payed for everything, what is so fucking hard about handing a reciept to someone. Granted the people @ the store did act like asshats. But he brought it apun him self. I really hope he wastes alot of money over something completely pointless.

CC is legally allowed to search your bag until you leave the parking lot. and they are allowed to detain you until actual officers arrive.

He did not have to show the officer his driver’s license.

He can either spend easily over 8,000 fighting the case with the officer, or if he gets an attorney, the attorney will recommend getting it reduced to a summarized disorderly conduct (under 500 in fine and cost) and probably a 500 attorney fee.

If you don’t own anything illegal, what’s the big deal with letting someone search your house? It’s the same idea, it’s a slippery slope, and we should be careful.

If you’d read it, you’d see that he addressed that.

I understand that my day would have gone a lot smoother if I had agreed to let loss prevention inspect my bag. I understand that my day would have gone a lot smoother if I had agreed to hand over my driver’s license when asked by Officer Arroyo. However, I am not interested in living my life smoothly. I am interested in living my life on strong principles and standing up for my rights as a consumer, a U.S. citizen and a human being. Allowing stores to inspect our bags at will might seem like a trivial matter, but it creates an atmosphere of obedience which is a dangerous thing. Allowing police officers to see our papers at will might seem like a trivial matter, but it creates a fear-of-authority atmosphere which can be all too easily abused.

Every big electronics store (Best Buy, Circuit City, CompUSA, hell even Sam’s Club) checks your receipt on your way out. It’s common knowledge. If you have nothing to hide I don’t see what the big deal is. Just flash the guy waiting near the door your receipt and you would’ve been on your way home for your sister’s birthday.

There’s standing up for your own rights as a U.S. citizen, and then there’s just trying to be a douche and making a scene. However, if you’ve got money to blow, then by all mean’s waste it on attorney’s fees and court costs…

your boy sounds emo

Douche bag move on his part…

You’re friend is a douche bag idiot, and is exactly the reason that cops over-react on some of the simplest shit.

Show the receipt, say thank you, and move along.

Fuck your friend.

There is something to be said for being a mature adult and understanding the reason that someone might ask that question. It is absolutely not hurting anyone, and showing a circuit city employee your receipt is not going to begin a butterfly effect that, sooner or later, will lead to an entire society of limp wristed “obedient” people.

Updated Cliffs: Your friend is in fact a certified douche canoe.

Jesus christ I just realized I met this guy @ expedient one day. I didnt read his bio and realize he owns Field Expert. I had to rack a server for him.

I think he lectured at my technical school once. I’m all for standing up for my rights, but this is retarded…

This guy is not too bright. He should get community service as a salvation army ringer during holidays outside of the circuit city for 2 years. Then on every date that this happend, Ask for peoples reciepts wearing a CC uniform. Then during the shift changes, change the cash register tapes :rofl:

I’d be ashamed to call him a friend.

Not the same idea, Commercial and residental are different :stick:

Stupid Cop: asking for a license when the suspect wasn’t even in or operating a vehicle
Stupid Circuit Shitty Emp: Loss prevention workers often get too cocky in the first place…couldn’t even make rent-a-cop so they go for LP…without probable cause he should have never followed your friend out the door…some real thief could have walked out with a TV while half the store was probably staring out the front door to watch
Stupid Friend:should have just let him see the receipt so that the guy would feel like an asshole

Ok, I used to work at best buy, then circuit city… We’ve got people here saying they have the right to check your bag and yadda yadda yadda. They don’t whatsoever. In both companies rules and whatnot, if someone refuses to show a reciept you aren’t allowed to detain them, give chase, argue etc. There’s actually no real point for someone to stand at the f’n door. Basically, you could grab something and walk out of the door and the only thing they could actually do is try to get your plate numnrtd The only reason I see LP standing at the door is for a psycological game, I won’t steal because I have to walk past this guy is the general thought they’re probably going for. But it’s whatever, no ones gonna check the rules to help him out.

i didnt even feel like reading the whole blog. i didnt have to.

beat90tsi: I agree with you on many occasions, but this one i do not. when you leave sams club they look at your receipt and swipe it w/ highlighter. swiftly glance at your cart like they can phisically match the rec. to your items and let you go…if you refuse, your obviously hiding something.

LP is there for a reason. sometimes it seems pointless for extra payroll but its worth it. Anyone that has ever worked in sales/retail should know that.

Im all about protecting my rights…but I would rather let some bozo mall guard check my receipt for the half a second it takes, then have cost on inventory go up due to high theft. Those guys at the door are there to protect your rights against those who break the laws.

If you people are going to make big deals out of having ur bags checked, we are going to have to start signing a legal waiver in order to shop at any electronics store, each time we enter it.

He must have absolutely nothing to do with his time if he’d rather get arrested and go to court than hand over a receipt.

Proof of identiy :doh:
