Friend arrested at Circuit City

:1320: :1320: :1320: :1320: :1320: :1320: :1320: :1320: :1320: :1320: :1320: :1320: :1320: :1320: :1320: :gives: :gives: :gives: :gives: :gives: :gives: :gives: :gives: :gives: :gives: :gives: :gives: :gives:


whats the big deal about not showing a reciept???

if they are a store, then they have video tape. im sure they know who is and is not stealing. so dont hassle me mother fuckers. unless your accusing me of stealing, dont check my bags.

Guess we don’t have to show ID when we are buying liquor/beer? Then again, we aren’t driving an automobile.

you do know there is other forms of id besides a drivers liscense.

then he should have said…can i see your IDENTIFICATION not your drivers license

your boy is an attention whore. just like the slam pig that posted a video about her stupid 300 page bill. people with no talent should not get attention for being ass clowns. your boy needs his right really violated… like catching an easton to the knee.

Try to buy booze without a drivers lic or a non-drivers id card.

i did when i was underage and had a fake id :slight_smile: was a state issued id card–not for driving. hell, i didnt look like the guy on the card and got served.

hahahah x2

I understand they want to stop shoplifting, but…

I’m in Best Buy. I go to the last checkout on the left. I’m about 6 feet from the little kiosk by the door where they check your receipt. They saw me come throught the checkout. They watched me pay for my items. They saw me walk 6 feet towards the door. They still need to see my receipt.

Just stupid…

Stupid or not, at least you showed them the reciept and took the easy way out, rather than the path of Jon’s friend. Much easier that way.

Cute way to skirt the question. That’s the easiest way for me to tell that you know your wrong. Thanks.

Interesting argument. Personally, I feel that allowing the government to force Circuit City to not check customer’s bags would infringe upon the right of the corporation as a private entity to conduct business according to their own design. I don’t like the show-me-your-receipt-open-your-bag practice either, that’s why I don’t shop at Circuit City.


  1. He has a blog, so he sucks.

  2. In his blog he has a way for people to paypal him money for his “legal costs”

This guy is a moron.


Guess you dont shop at Wal*Mart either???

I’ve never stolen anything from any store, ever.

That being said, I could walk out of Wal-Mart with a plasma TV, flash a receipt to the 95-year-old lady at the door, and walk away with a free TV.

Does it really matter if they check your receipt? I have friends who have worked at K-Mart, Giant Eagle, Rite Aid, etc., and store policy is to never try to detain anyone in question of theft. Contact the manager, who will then contact the supposed thief and police. However, the managers are also not allowed to detain anyone. From what I’m told, if they (workers) would approach a person that they suspected of stealing, but did not see them stealing, and the person was not in possesion of any stolen items, the person can sue for harassment (or some such thing.)

I fully understand why he did it, but I don’t agree with it. There’s bigger battles to be fought. Some elderly person checking to make sure I only have 2 bags of chips and not 3 isn’t going to make me go home and say “Man, Wal-Mart is really fucking with my civil liberties.”

Just my .02.

I can see that, and I usually just go with the flow to avoid a conflict.

The part that is pretty messed up, is that they’d rather pay some loser an hourly wage, plus all of the associated costs (workers comp, social security, benefits, etc) than just put in some cameras.

If it’s such a huge deal, just re-design the stores so customers have to go directly outside after leaving the cash register with their goods, problem solved.

It really doesn’t make sense to have some loser checking receipts.

actually a retail store has no right to stop you from leaving, or a right to inspect any bag.

this guy should be commended for standing up for his rights, and not giving in to bullshit and coward away, to avoid conflict as most of you demonstrated you would do.

the fact that he and his employee were blocking the car in from leaving, they both should be been arrested on the spot for 5 (or however many people were in the car) counts of false imprisonment.

wish your friend the best, ill be watching his blog