Friend arrested at Circuit City

If that was my dad in the car, I would have gotten bitched at for something really really really retarded.

Both of thier mothers should of swallowed.


I don’t.

its a piece of recycled paper, get over it.
Worse things to have sand in the vagina about.

If they see you conceal something and are standing between you and the door, you are free game.

You’re only free game to the local police my friend. If they had a cop between someone and the door because they thought they were stealing, it’s game over for them. But they had LP stop him, and then post up where ever by his car so he couldn’t leave. That alone (LP blocking somone in the lot from leaving) is grounds to be fired from Circuit. Putting yourself in possible harm’s way on the clock is not something the company would congratulate you for. They’d pay your medical, and cut your hours down to 2 a week until you quit because you cost them money. Hence the reason no employee at circuit, best buy, wal mart is allowed to touch/block/persue someone suspected of theft.

Edit: Whoops, forgot to say even if they see you do it, they still can’t do shit to you but try and get your liscense plate number.

how did i skirt the question? you said try to buy booze w/o a liscense–and i told you i did. there is other forms of id besides a driver’s liscense. hence why at the dmv you can get this thing called a “photo id” which looks like a driver’s liscense, but is not…

point of order. Who cares how many cameras a place has. There is someone in a back room watching those cameras. So whether its a person at the door, or one watching from a back room. They’re still watching.

I hold my reciept ready in my hand no matter where i shop.

BTW, Target has over 150 cameras in every store, and a full time guy who watches them, and a fulltime “security” guard who watches the door. So someone can bitch about that and they’re civil liberties, i gotta go to work.

thats bullshit, i worked at super k in robinson twshp about 4 yrs ago as a CARTBOY… i just punched out and LP came to me and said hey we need you to help us catch osme guy stealing me not knowing what was going on did wat they said, me and some other guy waited at one door adn another big dude waited at the other wit someone watchin the cameras in the back on the horn lettin us know wat door, he came out ours and me and Joe (the guy i was wit) broke his ass up against the window… guy didnt have shit and we never got in trouble… im sure we could have for not asking him and just tackling him though

Kmart doesn’t let you do that either, but you got away cause the issue probably didn’t make it to management. Let’s put it in perspective tho… Say that guy did have something worth a grand on him, but he stabs you and the other guy that try to stop him, the company would rather have lost that grand than pay 2 peoples’ medical bills for trying to stop someone from stealing. If your medical bills are more than what the hell that person took, your job is as good as gone once you get out of the hospital. Well, not gone… Just probably down to less than 10 hours a week.

So I read the guys blog again. While it’s pointless and trivial, he’s within his rights the entire time. They can’t stop you, can’t force you to show what’s in your bag, and you don’t have to show a cop ID when you call them for help. Can you imagine, “Someone’s robbing my house!” “Can I see your ID ma’am?”. Well, that’s not the right situation but it would make me giggle. Anyways, he’s as good as paid to shut up if he takes it to I dunno, the local news paper or tv news and states exactly what happened at the store. I wouldn’t slam the cops for the reason of, well they’re the cops. They wouldn’t help you if you need help and they’d bother you without crossing the line of harassment if you slammed them on the news.

be part of the solution not the problem… just show ur Goddamn reciept! there are fuckin more important things to worry about than if some miniscule situation is infringing on ur rights. some dude point a gun to ur head you’re not gonna refuse his request are you? no … but he’s infinging on ur rights!anyway thats a horrible comparison but u get the point. If showing ur reciept is keeping theft down you idiots should be all for it so the damn store doesnt have to raise prices. stop being emo faggots about ur rights and just be a contributing citizen.

Do you think Hitler created a fascist police state overnight? These things happen slowly, and although not terribly egregious, this incident is an example of infringement.

It is disgustingly apparent that some of you have never opened a history book.

sayin that something like this is gonna lead to fascism is assinine. look we got a lot of shit to worry about in this country now. you ur looking at the problem the wrong way… the problem isnt the store askin to see ur reciept, the problem is the motherfuckers stealin shit!

it may seem cut and dry simple… just show them the reciept and be done with it…

but some people do not like surrendering their rights to leave a store where you have spent your money…

go ahead, stop me from leaving… enjoy the false imprisonment charges

and btw… there is not someone watching those cameras, atleast at circuit city… when i worked for circuit city… the cameras ran to a recorder in the cash office, and could be viewed if needed, but there is no one watching them lol…

if we saw somebody stealing, they could be approached and questioned about it… but at no time could they be detained or touched

see if you look at them like they are “the man” ur gonna have they view. I have the view they are doing their fuckin job makin sure someone aint ripping their store off therefore keeping prices taht i can afford. i mean sorry but i have better things to do in my life than waste time dealing with somethng like that… even if there is a situation where i was detained… i dont have the time in a week to think about pressing charges and go to court and all that shit… gimmie a gift card for my inconvience and i’ll be on my way. I’ll never question someone’s actions when i think they are tryin to do their job… it the equivalent to gettin pulled over in my monte carlo… i know drug dealers drive them… cops wanna pull me over… fine…atleast they are being pro-active… is it against the law and unconstitutional to profile… yes, but i could give two fucks as long as they are working towards a solution to the real problems.

Sorry but i’m not a selfish person… i’ll take one for the team for the betterment of this country.

Finally someone who realizes that this isn’t going to lead to some police state and someone who realizes that if CC paying a person $10 / hour decreases theft and allows them to continue selling DLP’s and LCD’s for $1200, then CC should continue doing it and this dude should quit his waste of money 15 minutes of internet fame lawsuit.

If he was truly that anti-loss prevention employee and so worried about his rights being violated, why didn’t he buy the gift ahead of time over the internet. I can also guarantee that if this dude owned some kind of brick and mortar store he would be very cautious about theft.

its not the point of going out and looking to cause problems…

the guy went to buy a video game, and was asked if they could see his receipt on the way out… he responded no… he got arrested… its bullshit

WAIT A MINUTE THOU!!! we are only gettin his story! who knows how this guy was acting to the officer… i have a hard time beleive someone who would act like that in the first place would be any more cordial to an officer. for all we know he could have been combative and disruptive and disorderly. he made his bed, now he has to lie in it.

I think what is bullshit is that he went into the store, obviously knew the store’s policy on loss prevention, when asked by the employee doing their job to show the receipt he threw a hissy fit like a fucking 2 year old, and is now looking for internet fame on digg and slashdot.

If he really didn’t agree with the policy he should have turned around, returned the item, and bought from somewhere else.

the should put an adendum on the bill of rights that says you have the right to get ur ass beat for being a fucken pain in the ass like this fuck nut. what a waste of tax payers money. we should file a class action suit against him!