Intresting DWI Checkpoint read

Been reading some articles on here. The rights you have are pretty interesting.

i wish i saw this a week ago. i went through a check point with my minivan at the cheektowaga and buffalo border on genesee and pine ridge. it was 1 in the afternoon getting lunch for everyone. i went through the check point to see if my registration and nysi was up to date. i was okayed when a police officer taped on my back window and asked me what was in my van. i had my whole drum set in black soft cases, a trap case full of drum hardware and a small briefcase that held all my drum mics. i told him it was my drum set but he just shook his head and told me to pull over. he told me he had probable cause for me to open my hatch and to make me open each case… i opened about 4 out of 8 soft cases befor he says ok ive seen enough then proceeded to ask my how i payed for my drum set (i was in my work clothes)… luckily enough one of the police officers stopped him there and told me i was ok to leave…

Some good advice: If the cop isn’t being a total prick do what he tells you. No you don’t have to take a breathalyzer but if you don’t be ready for the worst treatment. It all comes down to his testamony and if he thinks you are a prick you are done.

OH YEAH more advice: Make sure you know what time it is before you start talking to the cop. They will ask.

while DUI checkpoints maybe unconstitutional, or the way they go about them… i’d rather have my rights violated in a small way if it means 1 drunk driver is off the road… just my $.02

You give up many of your Constitutional rights at the DMV when you sign for the privelage to drive.

When your in jail for so,ething totally unrelated, i will remember you said that.

Read 3 felonies a day.

I sure as shit wouldn’t.

It’s an attitude like this that leads to the downfall of a free country. It’s your responsibility as a citizen to fight for your freedoms tooth and nail every step of the way.


didn’t you motherfuck the police every chance you had on here before you got hired by cbp or whoever? every time you did something wrong and got caught it was “the cops being a bunch of unfair pigs” or whatever you came up with.

i’m not gonna post links but a search of threads started by you gives me that impression. i’m gonna guess that being in law enforcement changed your views a bit.

edit - i know it doesn’t sound like it, but i’m not attacking you. i’m just wondering if being on the other side of the fence makes you feel differently.

This. If you have nothing to hide why not take the 5 minutes and get the shit over with. If you’re one of these smug arrogant “I wrote the god damn constitution” fggts, then don’t be surprised when the cop is a dick back. Like the dude that got tasered through his window because he felt he needed to give the cops a run down on all his rights. He could have been on the road and through the checkpoint (untasered) in about 5 minutes if he’d just shut his mouth and kept moving.

where does it end if you constantly give up your rights that we fight for?


He was well within his rights to not answer questions, and may have been better off. However, each time the questions were asked again, he ended up answering. Answering questions when you’re nervous and just wanting to leave, really makes you vulnerable. I don’t blame him for not wanting to answer stupid questions, like how many drinks have you had. Those stupid field sobriety tests are annoying as shit too, and if you mess up AT ALL (which could easily happen if you are nervous) they hassle the shit out of you.

That who fights for?

The police are not on your side. They spend so much time dealing with dirtbags, that they have a hard time dealing with normal people.

Anything you say can be used against you and nothing you say can be used for you.
words to live by.



With rights come responsibilities.

Right: Driving
Responsibility: Being sober when driving

Law enforcement exists solely to take rights away. To the best of their ability they identify those who shirk their responsibility (being sober while driving) and take their rights away (driving.)

So no, they’re not on your side. They can’t be to do their job for us as a society.

Case in point. A LEO who wants us all to give up our rights in order to enforce a responsibility.

This trading in rights to unload responsibility has been going on since the day we declared independence from the British King. The cycle of democracy makes me sad.

Agreed. Any cop I have dealt with has always tried to have an in for the person they are questioning. You are digging yourself out no matter what, even tho you are innocent until proven guilty. My advice has always been spend the money and ALWAYS bring a lawyer to anything. even traffic court the lawyer can simply get you through faster, make sure you are taking a plea that helps you out, and get you out quick. I brought one when I was accused of assault and from the initial moment I walked in, they were already trying to phrase my statement against me that my lawyer kept correcting the officer to make sure that the

The greatest thing about America is I can have my view point, and so can you… I don’t see people bitching about going through a police checkpoint that is solely looking for inspection and equipment violations. You probably also bitch about going through TSA checkpoints at the airport, correct? The fact of the matter is, public saftey > *
Until there is a national court case that claims DUI checkpoints are unconstitutional, I really could care less about spending an extra 2 minutes driving because I had to wait to go through a checkpoint… I’d much rather that, then get t-boned by a drunk driver.
No one is forcing you to drive… like mentioned before, it’s a privilage, not a right.

Also, everyone who is complaining about not fighting for your rights…stfu. Join the military if you’d like to protect your freedom…don’t mother fuck LE for doing what they are told by their higherups in the interest of public safety.

I was in the military. I’ve done more for this country than the majority of people you know. I also try and do as much as possible to preserve the freedoms we still have. NYS does everything in it’s power to try and take away the rights of the individual citizen. There are also to many miserable power hungry police officers that think because they have a badge it gives them the right to violate individual freedoms and rights. Being a member of the law does not make you above the law.
Now with that being said it only applies to law abiding citizens who don’t deserve to be treated like scumbags by police officers. IMHO 80% of the time I’m pulled over I’m treated like a criminal until the see I’m a combat vet. The fact that I’m a vet should have absolutely nothing to do with how I’m treated. If I’m going to give the police officer officer the respect he deserves I expect the same in return. It’s common courtesy/decency.

Oh and I bitch about any check point when the sole purpose is money generation.