Friend arrested at Circuit City

Here’s how I always handle the situation:

Checker: Hi there, may I see your recepit.

Me: No.

Checker: uhhhhhhhh

Me: Have a nice evening.

In their store or not, they have no more of a right to come up to you and tell you they want to see in your bag than if I were walking down the street and told some random person I want to inspect their bag. And what’s really asinine is this guy got arrested for doing nothing other than purchasing some goods and trying to walk back to his car without having to be searched by someone that has no right to search him and being physically detained for not providing identification to someone who has no legal right to demand identification from.

You should be mad at the police for abusing their power, not at this guy for exercising his 4th amendment rights as a citizen of the United States of America. What’s right is right and what’s wrong is wrong. He was right, the cops and Circuit City were wrong.

The judge has spoken, court is adjourned.

i agree with your friends stance, and feel very strongly that he did the right thing regardless of his behavior/attitude.

As a matter of fact i will no longer oblige to LPs demands to inspect my private property.

I love how people talk without really knowing. As a former LP employee for a large corporation run by demons, I think I know my rules.

As soon as someone stealing gets out the door, they are gone. Thats all there is to it. To ask someone to see their receipt, purse, etc, you need to have seen them steal, saw where they put the item, and what the item was. The corporation I worked for has hundreds of cameras in all their stores— only 5 cameras operate at one time. Therefore undercover LP is who they rely on to catch a theif.

While working at this corp. I watched with 2 other LP people as a couple over age 75, (woman was 75 man was 81) stole childrens socks from a rack. The woman then leaned forward in her wheelchair as her husband pushing dropped the socks into a duffle bag she was sitting on.

We were able to approach them after they rang out at the cash register and 2 managers waited in the back room. We were legally allowed to take the couple to the back of the store, behind the scenes into the training room as we filled out paperwork for the police. We had to document everything and we were allowed to ask for ID. If they had not given it up the charges would worsen.

Cliffs Notes: the customer is not considered stealing until they check out at the register with items not paid for and the LP needs to see what the item is, where it is, and all other nitty gritty details. I used to see people put things in their purses all the time but couldn’t say anything because I wasn’t sure what DVD it was.

get a real job and let the highschool/college kids work those stores :bash:

It’s all true what happend. His Blog is on the Internet !!!

I’ll suck up my pride any day and show a piece of paper.
Why? It doesn’t even bother me, Better things out of the store to worry about.
Like where the hell did i park ?!?!

The issue is separate from the actual event. Nobody should have the right to inspect your/our personal property at will. The fact that it just became his personal property moments earlier doesn’t change the fact that he owns it.

If the police start inspecting our homes while we’re at work, it will be too late. This may seem insignificant, but the issue at hand is much larger than just showing some paper.

If i have a circuit city bag walking out of the store, they should have every right to look on the reciept and inspect the bag. What don’t you understand ?

So i guess the anti-theft devices are illegal too?
because your not buying that device, isn’t that false merchandise?

this type of snowball effect will never happen. period.

Damn right, it will never happen.

Paranoid people fucks this world up.

Why didn’t the German people stop the Nazis?

Life was better, at first, under the Nazis. The war machine invigorated the economy - men had jobs again, and enough money to take care of their family. New building projects were everywhere. The shops were full again - and people could afford good food, culture, and luxuries. Women could stay home in comfort. Crime was reduced. Health care improved. It was a rosy scenario - Hitler brought order and prosperity.

The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards.

As long as the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue they will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader. If virtue and knowledge are diffused among the people, they will never be enslaved. This will be their great security.

-Samuel Adams

because when you completed the transaction, that is the exchange of monies for the item… the trade is complete… the item is now your property… it just so happens to be in a circuit city bag.


How you can live in this country all this time and have no knowledge of the constitution.

No, they remove or disable that when you buy it.

Or teh intArweb!

Together they can save us all!!1!1!!

That don’t mean shit. Obviously you never known the workings of drug addicts.

walk into a store with nothing, walk out with a bag from that retail outlet with items. Last i seen, plastic bags with that retail outlet fold nicely into pockets before entering :stick:
Also many receipts can be found in the parking lots of giant eagle ETC, not just Applies to Circuit city.

Hence showing the reciept. Thread is over.


seriously though, this entire argument is based on assumptions that this one act by a company to help prevent loss and keep costs down for consumers is going to turn the US into a fascist police state. All of the slippery slope arguments are completely invalid.

As a store manager at a Waterfront retail electronics store, your facts are right on with “our” store policy. If an employee spots a customer steal something, they need to get a manager involved, know exactly what the customer took, know exactly where it is on the person (i.e. pocket, purse, etc), make sure the customer does not drop the item and remain with full eye contact, and the customer will have had to pass all checkouts in the store.

Managers are NOT allowed to detain individuals suspected of stealing. We can politely ask them to stay (usually try to stall them with some kind of unrelated story such as you set off the alarm, can i check you bag etc etc) or follow them out, get a license plate #, and notify the Munhall or West Homestead police department with a full description.

It is really not worth having an employee get seriously injured over a $1,000 laptop. If the store wants to completely do away with theft, pay a local cop to stay in the store at all times. (I mean c’mon, Eat n Park has at least 1 cop in there every weekend just hanging out drinking all their coffee.) Plain and simple. But corporations cut costs all the time and this “shrink” doesn’t seem to bother them. Cameras are just a deterrent. If someone wants to steal something, they are going to make their best attempt to do so. My $.02…

I live in the real world.

Fuck with my Family/Paycheck then i care.