Friend arrested at Circuit City

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
-Samuel Adams

Explain why my freedom has to have taxes. :bowrofl:


your friend compared himself to rosa parks in his blog. Rosa fucking Parks. For real man, who does that. He is a douche and I hope the judge laughs in his face on the 20th…

You also ride without a helmet, so that explains why you have to quote.

my take is this…

a company is in business to make money. obviously you will loose goods–be it from theft, misplaced items, promo–whatever.

the cost of these items should be considered when you set your prices on goods. if you dont, then it is bad business.

yes, everyone wants the lowest price possible. however, i sure as hell am not willing to open my bag–the bag i just got 10 feet from the door and had the clerk put my goods in-- siezed and searched by the same store. they put the shit in the bag, they should know what is in there.

i dont see how this is turning into a secret police state though. if anything i would lump this bullshit in w/ the patriot act-- give up some liberties for the good of all. i’m sorry, this is not a utilitarian state where the needs of the masses outweigh the few.

as for hitler, he was a bright spot for ww1 survivors. you have to remember, ater ww1, england and france fucked the germans pretty good. their economy went to shit,. inflation out the ass due to reperations. hitler brought a sense of pride and stability to the german people. ww2 started as a result of germany invading to regain lands lost in ww1. then they got mixed up w/ the french. england almost became a german ally /stayed nuetral–which is all hitler wanted. however, hitler knew a full blown battle would ensue w/ the french, and england was to much of a pussy to pick a side b/c they thought they were far enough away from germany to not be attacked.

the ss itself was formed to control the labor unions and other politically influeuntial people/groups. by knocking out labor unions, hitler was able to employ more people for less money as well as create state funded programs similar to roosevelts plan after america’s great depression. however, during ww2, no one got paid, and the jews/pols were slave labor. ever hear of a company called vw??? those old kubelwagons were not built w/ german pride, but w/ slave labor.

i honestly dont care about drug addicts… i am not one. nor do i steal. when i pay for an item… it is mine as soon as the transaction is finished. i can put it in a sears bag when im done checking out in best buy or whatever. it does not change shit.

the store simply provides bags as a convience to the customer to assist them in transporting their newley aquired possesions wherever they may be going. once that bag is handed to you, it is also yours, i dont care if it says “STOLEN SHIT” on the side of it… you have no place to ask me to open it.

heres an idea, next time you park on the street… while walking to your car, look for a woman walking away from where your car is, ask her if you can examine her purse to make sure she did not steal anything out of your car. see where that gets you

bunch a whinny ass motherfuckers… whaaaaaa my rights my rights… fuck that. i’m sure if anyone did get a look at ur reciepts it would say TAMPAX TAMPONS 50 count on it!!!

have you made any valid points at all as to why i should show a reciept?

does that mean if an officer sees you driving down the road in your g-body, he can pull you over, impound your car, and strip it down looking for drugs w/o probable cause or a warrant?

shit is on the same level here. if you let it be the “norm” to search your shit on minor things, then 20 years from now searching your car may have become “minor”…

impounding my car is comparable to gettin arrested and cavity search…
showing a reciept leaving a store is like gettin pulled over and showin my registration. now granted my car fits a profile. so i leave myself open to that and i’m fine with it.

i can’t convince you to show a reciept because we share different points of view. with that said thou… while maybe the law is on the consumers side ending up with a mess like that guy has on his hands is reason enough to just show the reciept. i seriously hope he doesnt get a cent. Why should someone get restitution for something as trivial as that?

personally i’m not looking to sue someone to make my fourtune. i’d rather work hard… if i spilled hot coffee on my nuts… its my fuckin fault for spilling hot coffee on my nuts not mcdonalds. now say i’m walking through home depot and 2x4 falls on my head, thats a different story.

it obvious now thou, if you are gonna prosecute CC for invading his privacy, lawmakers in the future will need to make some kind of classification for severity of invasion… like this i would consider the lowest form of it and no judgement should exceed 10 grand? thats just an idea.

He doesn’t care about making money genius. His point is to protect our civil liberties, since most of our population is too ignorant to notice the infringement that has already taken place.

dont give this guy any more ideas…

this just in: your friend is still a faggot

yep, that is why he claims $3200 in paypal donations thus far…

He said he’s going to donate the excess.


From the PA consolidated statutes:

Crimes and Offenses Title 18, Chapter 39 - Theft and related offenses, Section 3929 Retail Theft

“(d) Detention.–A peace officer, merchant or merchant’s
employee or an agent under contract with a merchant, who has
probable cause to believe that retail theft has occurred or is
occurring on or about a store or other retail mercantile
establishment and who has probable cause to believe that a
specific person has committed or is committing the retail theft
may detain the suspect in a reasonable manner for a reasonable
time on or off the premises for all or any of the following
purposes: to require the suspect to identify himself, to verify
such identification, to determine whether such suspect has in
his possession unpurchased merchandise taken from the mercantile
establishment and, if so, to recover such merchandise, to inform
a peace officer, or to institute criminal proceedings against
the suspect. Such detention shall not impose civil or criminal
liability upon the peace officer, merchant, employee, or agent
so detaining.”

The statute further provides:

 ""Premises of a retail mercantile establishment."  Includes
 but is not limited to, the retail mercantile establishment, any
 common use areas in shopping centers and all parking areas set
 aside by a merchant or on behalf of a merchant for the parking
 of vehicles for the convenience of the patrons of such retail
 mercantile establishment."

The term “probable cause” is intentionally used in the legislation so the judiciary later has leeway in defining what is considered such based on the specific facts of a given scenario. Generally the bar is set pretty low though, perhaps low enough that rushing past an identified LP person would be enough for that person to ask to see your receipt.

BTW, the above only pertains to PA, Ohio most likely has something similar or perhaps more stringent or lenient.

The whole not presenting identification to the officer and being arrested supposedly based solely on that fact is a whole other can of worms. Also remember, there are two sides to every story. The enraged bloggers recollection of the incident may very greatly from the recollection of the arresting officer who sees such things routinely.

Also for those posting with a background in loss prevention, keep in mind that corporate policies are typically put together either in whole, or part by legal counsel and are generally designed to be more limiting than the law would require in order to avoid the hassle of any potential lawsuits. Even a slam dunk winning case costs a company money to defend, almost always an amount much greater than their limiting policies might cost in the long run. Also companies operating in multiple states will commonly taylor their policies to be more limiting than most limiting state law of all the states in which it operates.

OK, now looking at what steve just posted, where is the probable cause that teh guy was stealing? did someone see him jack something? to our knowledge, no. so on what grounds do they have to search him?

AMEN to that!!!

Perhaps something as simple as saying no to the LP guy when asked for his receipt. Remember the interpretation of the law is up to the judiciary. Without looking up any specific cases, an Ohio court may have ruled that showing a receipt to a security person is a simple and non-invasive thing to do and that refusing to show a receipt is “suspicious activity.” Also perhaps his version of the events might differ from the store employees who may have seen activity that he considered suspicious that the blogger was unaware of. Public policy is a huge driver of legislation action and judicial decisions. It would not surprise me one bit if a court has ruled or would rule that a customer being asked to show a receipt from a store by a store employee, while on the store property voluntaily entered by the customer (perhaps seeing such security obviously posted at the front door upon entering or nearing the entry), would not be an unreasonable request and the potential benefits of such request (reducing shoplifting and increased costs due to such activity) would greatly outweigh the minor intrusion upon the customer.

I’m not saying that either the blogger’s or store employees’ actions were right or wrong, just that it really is not a black and white area, but instead lots of gray and a lot of the posts in this thread have been saying a store absolutely cannot… blah blah blah, when in fact they often times can.

I did. I don’t trust him.