
I been watching this HBO show on John Adams and it made me start thinking he is my great x5 grandfather have all the paperwork to prove it. it was allways like a story my family passed down but a few years back my mother researched it after my great grandfathers death, she saw his name in the family tree in the bible, got a subscription to a bunch of geneology sites and a couple days later it all worked out and is true. so the question is i wanna go back to school you think theres any kinda grants or anything i can apply for with this info? I know one of my uncles was given congresional medal of honor back in like the civil war i think and i can get a grant for that buit cant find any info on descendents of ex-presidents. any ideas?

Are U Kidding? I am waiting for the joke.

eh, MLK Jr. was my mothers pimp

so im going to school funded by the African American College Fund and im white :gotme:


So… Since I’m distantly related to 2 former presidents… I should get something too?

:word: Where’s the punchline?

You have a better chance of Paul Giamatti banging your grandma.