Grease instead of gas. An answer to high gas prices

I was talking with my folks about this a couple weeks ago. Can someone explain what happens to the oil once it goes through the cooking process which makes it now combustible?

Umm it was combustible before the cooking process. Ever throw bacon in a campfire?

Umm it was combustible before the cooking process. Ever throw bacon in a campfire?

So why must it be “used” cooking oil? Why can’t straight refined corn oil or whatever be used?

because then you would have to pay for it. if you use used oil, you get it for free from just about any restaurant.

also, as far as it saying “an answer to high gas prices,” it is probably just referring to the person using it. i didn’t actually read the article since this is a fairly old idea, but they probably didn’t mean this would bring oil prices down. instead, it would allow someone to drive around without buying gasoline.

My brother and father both have grease cars… They paid off the initial investment as well as cost of the vehicle in 2 years or less…

they are driving for free now.

father - i think an 198(mid) 300td merc
brother - 1995-1997 F 250

100% correct, some restaurants will actually drop off the oil to you in jugs, or there are kits that you can just suck it out of the bin in the back

So how long would it take to convert all the refineries that make the oil to run off the oil. So to make this oil, would run off completely natural oil?

simpsons did it

I would like to know how this is such a “GREEN” thing to do. Your still burning oil, still greating combustion byproducts. Where is the green part here. Most of the old cooking oils went to recycling facilities before hand, and was used for other things. Its not like we were just dumping it in the river. It was burned for energy before, electrical energy, but just the same. I really hate these so called greenies, that think electric cars (which without embracing atomic energy are just moving the polution down the road to a coal burner) or windmills (yea, lets put these beautiful windmills all over some state parks, and see how much they like them, course some assclown thought that the water front of buffalo served a better purpose for a few kilowatt’s of power vs letting people enjoy it) or lets all make bio diesel in our back yards, or we can run the nation off of cooking greese.

In the end, we need major solutions with major choices. We use hydrogen or electricity, but understand that atomic energy is the only viable low emitions power source that can crack water into hydrogen or power cars.

I think that some people confuse a “green” solution with a political one. Burning oils is not a green solution, its still burning oil. Now if you wana say that your lowering the so called dependance on foreign oil, well that has nothing to do with being “green”. That is not an environment based solution, its a political one. So we need to seperate the environment based solutions from the political ones, to see the real ambitions here. In the end, what this really boils down too is people trying to skirt the system, by not paying the state and federal taxes on a product. True the product price has risen, but still, they don’t wana pay the taxes. In the end, they are no better than people that make moonshine for their own consumption. Give it time, and let enough people start doing this, and the .GOV will crack down on this stuff. People will start making little co-op filtering and storage facilities for 10 families or so, and then the IRS will come in and take the facility, cars, and houses of those involved for tax evasion.

Some day we will look back at the new age hippies that all thought that they would power cars with cooking oil for the next 50 years. I have far more important things to do with my time, than suck oil out of a storage tank, and filter it so that i can put it in my car. I rather just work a few more hours at a nice comfy job and just buy the fucking gas.


the point is not to run on used frying oil at all. thats just the most convenient place to get it for DIYers. if this started taking off on a large scale then there would be dedicated farms to grow the plants used just for fuel consumption.
also people need to stop thinking about gas prices alone. supply is much more important then price. it would be completely renewable.

Why do you think that its a renewable resource. Growing a crop isn’t as renewable as you might think. Every year farmers dump tons of nitrates and other chemicals on there crops, where does all that stuff come from. Do you honestly think that we could run 10 percent of this country off of a crop. It was said, and i forgot when, that this is the first time in human existance that we have decided that it is worth while to society to burn food for energy. I think that in a small scale it works, but remove the government subsidies and factor in all costs, and it really doesn’t pan out.

I just want to make this clear…

I’m not about the green, unless its in my wallet. If WVO lets me do burnouts for free… with tire smoke and diesel soot everywhere, I’m all for it.

Yeah, just like ethanol right?

Oh wait, there’s that minor problem that to make a real dent in our foreign oil dependance we’d need to convert almost all of our farm land that we’re using for FOOD into farm land for FUEL.

The short short version for people who can’t seem to grasp the big picture: Grease, great for a few cheap people with a restaurant hookup to get really cheap fuel. Terrible as a serious large scale energy source.

nah, we’ll make China kill off their own populace to grow our corn/soy/cane/whatever. No different then factory-farming worldwide now, you think most of the juice you drink comes from Florida? HAHAHA :rofl: