Great American Photo Contest

I have entered a picture of my son into the Great American Photo Contest. They give away a prize every month. I was hoping that everyone here could take a couple minutes out of their time to click the link below and vote for my son. He would greatly appreciate it!

Why does it need a home number and a cell number?

There are like 20 adds… but once you get past those it takes you to like 100 different babies. I think my vote registered… but I’m not sure.

why is the site riddled with spam? I entered on the first page but after that I did not.

Once you do the one you should get an e-mail with a link to click to vote. If you don’t want to do it because of spam that’s fine. I appreciate anyone that does it though. Trust me, I understand the worry of spam and what not. :slight_smile:

Did it take you to the page with his picture on it?


This link above does. Then I got the confirmation email, clicked the link and it bring me through a minefield off “offers” I kept hitting the skip button and now I’m stuck on a Life Insurance page? I don’t want to be a dick and not vote for your son but WTF? I don’t want to spend 30 minutes filling our surveys to vote.

took me 5 minutes

Never got my confirmation email…?

i better not get antivirus 2009 from this

nice im def gonna have the mothers ive worked for enter the pix i took for them

my mom is always trying to talk me into this Great American Photo Contest but it seems a little scammish to me.

well tell her ur prolly too old now to have ur pic on there! :mamoru:

It’s not really a scam, just a cheap way for them to collect lots of email addresses to sell to spammers.

you silly bastard.

I appreciate those who have voted so far. Thanks! :slight_smile:

I want to vote! But I can’t get a darn confirmation email and I tried three times.


I keep getting like 3 spam emails a day from this site.