Great interview on KDKA radio this morning on how to cash in on the Marcellus Shale

Typical pussy liberal response. “oh noes they’re raping the earth”. You want electricity? You have to have NG drilling and coal mining. One of those has little to no impact on the environment to extract it and burns over 50% cleaner, and the other does in fact rape the fuck out of the earth and turns air quality to shit. We want energy independence, but when we find the world’s largest gas reserve underneath PA, we bitch and whine about POSSIBLE water contamination. Let’s just ignore that they’ve been doing this for 10 years in Texas and Louisiana without incident, because people in Texas “would drill through their grandma’s dead body.” :rofl:

companies coming in and exorbitantly compensating landowners to drill the land… let’s whine about that too like it’s a bad thing. :rofl:

The industry could have came in and bought up gas rights for $100 per acre and saved themselves billions, but they didn’t. But let’s hate them for no reason anyways.