Grill and Chill May 7/Saturday @ noon - Saratoga State Park

We’ve already established that there is no alcohol allowed in the park.

is there any parks that allow it?


shit, next time it should be at one of those lol

Alcohol & machinery don’t mix.

Which is why I suggested camping.

Says who? lol j/k

I just bought a huge ass tent last year too

vodka in water bottles ftw.

Ciroc is the shit… especially the coconut flavored one.

Last thing we need is drunk morons.

Sober morons only

I drink more than 95% of this forum, trust me, and even I think getting drunk at a car meet is teh ghey.

Thought it was a bbq and every one I’ve been to has more beer then food…

why is it that I can picture you getting drunk and then getting all emotional and sharing your feelings?


You’re fucked in the head.:rofl

It is a BBQ. At a state park. That doesn’t allow alcohol.

I doubt anybody will notice if you have a few 50ml captain morgan bottles to dump into some sodas, however…

I’ll be there and I can bring the charcoal. Can’t make the rain date though.

last year we were drinking out of red cups and the cop was pissed about that too, if you wanna drink THAT bad, go somewhere else

gotta get my FIXXXXX mannn

word. cops aren’t dumb, they know why your drinking out of a red cup. just come and have fun with car dudes. if you can’t do that without drinking alcohol, get drunk at home watching tv.

…can we have blue cups?