Grill and Chill May 7/Saturday @ noon - Saratoga State Park

I will be drinking my beverage out of a red cup. Most likely a diet beverage or gatorade…

If it isn’t allowed im not drinking. I don’t wanna hide drinking like im 16 all over again.

i have CCW lightened race version wheels fully polished on the vette, and some… i forgots on the BMW. light years hotter than your civic jumpoffs. no offense to you man, just saying.

e-man . shut the fuck up

yea no drinking is allowed in state parks. they are highly potroled by toga cops and rangers. this is just a fun BBQ type event where we can meet up, eat some grub and catch a crayfish or two for PJB.

no in my thread u wont! i will stab u with a fucking Crayon then draw you a picture with your blood colored seman. this time your bending over hairy bear :tongue

like my sig , that will be u and i if ya try lol

i cant see shit, im at work and your sig is a red x. are you going to make me a red x?

i must have fucked up lolol

The insecure man looks just like you, John. :rofl

john u dont get it. im at work, my work blocks websites, the pic u posted is hosted on a website thats blocked. there for…i cant see the pic. get it?

That dood in the vid looks just like him tho. Only problem is the green guy has a ball not a screwdriver…

Can you see me now?

Link = ImageShack - Best place for all of your image hosting and image sharing needs

imageshack is blocked!!!


Something with “Corporate Values” as the filename should never have been blocked.


Now they’re civic wheels. That’s great, I get more compliments on them then not. If I bought these crazy expensive wheels you guys seem to like that’s all I would have on my car. I got a car, bike and quad all 07 and higher at 22 yrs old so its either I don’t have the job you do or the parents you do.

Who is this person in the glasses?

edit: whoever it is, looks damn sexy

