Grill and Chill May 7/Saturday @ noon - Saratoga State Park

im thinkin on a sheet of metal maybe? to be honest, i freakkin’ LOVE philly cheese steaks, thats why i suggested it. but if more ppl dont want then compared to ppl that do want them, we can skip it. theyre just delicious, ya know?

Oh I agree 100% dude. I’m just saying they’re not as easy to cook and that’s why they’re not done as often. I’m sure someone here has a small sheet of stainless we could throw on the grill though. 1’x1’ would be perfect.

Diamond plate. Do it.

:rofl That’d be so redneck.

Yesum. Put them there purty diamond shape marks on yer meats

Tell ya what easier thing would be pork chops or something. If i can make it i will bring the most baller pork chops ever

I drive past PJ’s quite a bit for work since I deliver to the Hall of Springs

Philly steaks on that grill would NOT be easy.

Better off cooking bbq chicken then philly cheese steaks. Or bring along some sausage. Not that sausage either, there will be plenty of that present at this shindig. lol

I’ll bring along my grillin utensils to. I’m not screwing around with no charcoal. So I will bring a weber 220 with me. Works great for park BBQ’s!

Fuck these haterz. I’ll bring my camp grill and we can make our own philly cheese man steaks. :number1 :rofl

if you bring that, ill help you make em, dude:thumbup:thumbup

I’ll bring the grill, some spare propane, and a homemade protein shake for e-man-u-elle. :rofl

Srs. Stewarts ice cream + weight gainer + protein powder = win!

where do we get the cheese?

Idk, I might just buy some big macs and pretend to have grilled them. You know, just to catch people’s reactions. :rofl

im not including any of this into my orignal post. if u choose to bring additional things such as grills and steaks thats on you. more than welcome.

haha… goes from the woman to the boss eh?

Oh just so you know, I’m bringing some BIG ASS SPOONs. Like spoons richie would use to eat his cereal in the morning. nom nom

yes we know, was updated with this info last week.

I am sure I will come out… someone just remind me the day prior.

k thx

will a 4’x8’ sheet of 3/16" plate help!??!?!