Gross People


MRSA isnt a joke… shit blowsss


great way to get really sick retard :thumbup

not only do I not wash my hands but I also dont use toilet paper. Wiping my ass with my bare hands ftw.


lol no she wasnt hot and i shoulda punched her cause her ass stankk

what bafroom did this happen in??

idk but i explode in the daycare center everyday and they have the cleanest bathrooms on campus.

the only problem is the auto sensor turns the lights off after 5 mins, and i take good 10-20min dumps every day. so i have to flail my arms around mid-pewp to get the lights to go back on.

That, or I just sit there in the dark and take in all that is around me.

i dont know chris, administration building is pretty fucking clean, ive yet to shit in there (afraid of aids from the brothers) but i usaully urinate in there almost once a day.

the single shitter in dcc is epic because nobody is ever in there. it’s like your own personal bathroom.

i cant poop silently either, its always splishy-splashy or squeaking out or some combination of the two. i always end up laughing mid-pewp due to the sounds.

i love anti-depressants. they make the simplest things in life absolutely incredible. :rofl

“A wise man washes his hands after he pees. A wiser man doesn’t pee on his hands”

Shit sucks when your drunk, and your like… “is that REALLY happening right now?” then are too drunk to correct the problem.

Ask me how i know :(:clap

Fact: Only 6% of human beings wash their hands everytime after using the lavatorie

I’m actually surprised it’s that high considering 3rd world countries and the like.

How about when you peee reallly hard and fart. Thats allways a funny supprise I crack a smile over once and a while.

Yup. I dont wash my hands after I take a leak. One time this little nerdy dude from college told me, hay why didnt you wash your hands after you peed… I told him “Cause I knows my dicks clean.” he goes ohh yeah how do you know that? I asked him, “Did you kiss your girlfriend this morning???” and I walked out. :rofl

It was in the higbee bathrooms

higbee,lang,ftz and brahn are dumps

x2, fucking awful facilities.

I just took a pewp, and didnt was my hands. Just thought Id let yall know!