Gross People

So im at school and i walk into the bathroom and go in a stall where the girl next to me is clearly taking a shit. I walk out and wash my hands while im drying my hands the girl comes out and walks right out the door. Im sorry but when did people stop washing their hands. Especially after taking a crap. I was just so grossed out then i go into the computer lab where she is on the computer with her hands all over the keyboard and mouse. Eww. Its pretty sad the 4 yr olds at my job have better hygine then the grown women at HVCC.

ewww she prolly is the same chick that has that GOOK in her eyes, that morning gook, at 4 pm

hand sanitizer FTW. i probably use it 10+ times a day not including after using the bathroom

yea people do that all the time, it’s friggin gross. I don’t see how you can’t wash your hands after going to the bathroom

ya so from now on im using those antibacterial wipes on the wall do clean the computers off at school

ok. 1 question. was she a ha-bib? if so then don’t worry.

You must be mistaken, girls do not “crap” or “shit.” Their asses are for decoration only. It must’ve been a tranny, and they are usually dirty anyway so… it’s all good.

nope it wasnt a ha bib. And sorry to break it to ya but we dont just go in and sit on the toilet for fun lol

Stop ruining everything I believe in

i say don’t shit where you eat and your in mint shape.

what about for buttsecks?

You’ve never stuck your shit into a decoration of some sort? Now you understand why I’m never allowed at Ground Round for St. Patricks Day.

thats so fucking dirty! you should have said something to the slob

should have punched her in the ovaries

Where can I find this girl, I would like to suck on her thumb

she hot?

^ wat he said

pics or vidsz please

Fuck washing your hands, thats for pussies!

Enjoy your mrsa you fucking goon