Bathroom break

Is it just me but do others that work in an office building notice the number of people that answer business calls on their cell phone while on the shitter. Also the number of dudes that leave the shitter without washing their hands. WTF.

never noticed the first one… second one is pretty common it seems.

Makes you think twice about borrowing a cell phone :kekegay:

Did you ever notice folks from India do not use Toilet Paper… even when they poop !!!

:puke: how would you notice that??!??

Can’t say I’ve ever noticed that, no…




maybe they will get the message to put a garbage can outside the restroom. I’m not touchin that handle with my hands i just washed and then go to lunch. grab it with the papertowel and throw it on the ground till they put a can outside.

lol buddy of mine that was overseas for desert storm said the same thing, they have like a hole in the ground and they just squat… :eek4dance I think it’s one hand, probably the left hand… hence something about it’s an insult to offer your hand for a handshake…

they just said on the news last night how US ppl (esp men) don’t wash after bathroom breaks…

I def. don’t sit on the pot, I use my foot to flush…After I wash my hands, I use my elbow to get the papertowels, use the papertowel to turn off the water, and to open the door. Dirty nasty filthy ppl.

Left hand right hand - A very important, yet subtle, factor in India is avoiding the use of your left hand when interacting with others. In India, you use your left hand to clean yourself after using the toilet so it has extremely negative associations. ALWAYS give and receive anything with your right hand, or at least with both hands together. If you give change, accept something, or eat something with your left hand, it will be noticed, though politely not commented on. Using your right hand only is one of the easiest things for Westerners to forget to do, but it makes a difference. A friend who has been coming to India for more than a decade, but only recently made it a point to only use his right hand, said he really noticed how much people appreciated him making an attempt. It may mean a bit of extra effort at first, but it will be appreciated, and will soon become automatic. Even if you are left handed, try and adjust as much as possible.

They had to hang signs in the mens room to “please do not deficate on the paper towels and throw them in the trash”… Apparently they wipe their ass with their hand then wipe it on the papertowels and throw themin the trash…

Then, everytime you meet one… they want to shake your hands…


I talk on my phone while on the shitter, and play poker and pittspeed…its fantasticly the only place I can have some privacy at work. Always wash the hands though, anything else woudl be uncivilized… :ugh:

No … He uses an entire roll everytime he goes…

i’ll remember that when some dot head does that, i’ll make sure they got popped in the mouth with my left.

do you make business deals thou? i mean hell most guys and girls talk on the phone in the shitter. Me “whats that noise” girl " oh i had to pee"

I wouldn’t have done any homework in highschool if not for the shitter.

would that be like “adding insult to injury”?

They do all sorts of weird things… I had to teach one of them how to make microwave popcorn… he had no idea what it was…

i have shit in a hole before over in Turkey. did not wipe on the hand though, I took the option of buying TP first. and i love to play tetris and trivial pursuit on the shitter. its the only way to go!

Sitting on the pooper is a boything in general… girls do not want to sit and smell their own asses… we go in and get it done and get out… you boys are in there for 30 or so minutes then the door opens and this awful cloud rolls out…

I will never understand why any one would want ot sit in there and smell that…

it smells better than some of the candles you buy and it’s the only time i get to read undisturbed