Bathroom break

tecmo bowl and bugertime :smiley:


donā€™t you generalize. i hate pooping. I wait until the shit is ready to come out. Wrap toilet paper around my hand and then operate using the ā€˜hovercrapā€™ technique. I donā€™t like being in the shitter stall for more than 30 seconds. Then I do the hand and face wash and i am out. I kick the door open with my foot so i dont have to touch it.

They should just name all of those candles ā€œsomething sweetā€. Vanilla, sugar cookie, birthday cake, they all smell the same, and overwhelming.

hence why the left hand is referred to as the ā€˜sinisterā€™ hand

i thought that was the rightā€¦ for obvious reasons.

Except for the kids coming in (because you donā€™t close the doorā€¦ I am assuming you do this because the smell is so bad) to make fun of how bad your ass smellsā€¦

Reminder Note: By my husband poop scent car freshenersā€¦ wait we already have thoseā€¦ they are called baby diapersā€¦


male Engineers in this officeā€¦ Washing of the hands? PFFTTT whats thatā€¦ Its gross!

HAHAHAHAH !!! You may be the only oneā€¦

I completely agreeā€¦


i prefer to sit there and play a couple games of solitaire on the treo 650. kills time =)

How can you kick the door open, when most open to the inside :rofl:

iā€™m sure u sit down to pee tooā€¦fag


rmrider897 is not a female ???

:rofl: :wtf:

typeing this while on the dumpsetr

wireless lap top owns all! !