Did you wash your hands today?

I bet you will after reading this.



Alvarez, who is now healthy and has resumed normal activities such a playing ball with family in her backyard,


wow… sick.

Although that may be true, it is also true that using too much antibacterial soap will increase the baterial immunity and actually strength some bacterial strains.

In other words, wash your hands, but don’t use that antibacterial crap. AKA purrell.

but it smells so good and makes your hands feel fresher than fresh

You’re supposed to wash your hands?

i always wash my hands… no big deal for me

um WTF.!!!

i wonder if that is related to the BRAIN EATING amoeba that lives in fresh warm water down south.


Bring that shit on…

i know i dont wash my hands after any bathroom usage … i like to keep people guessing…

Are you that asshole that always plumps tomatoes after blasting it in the bathroom and skips the hand-washing step?

Like… 50 times so far today.

Rental boots FTL

I am a freak about … that I wash my hands like 30 times a day, I do not like to shake hands… When I am out I do not touch anything in bathrooms I use my feet or elbows to open the door and use the sink , and I always , always , always …do the hover…

And you like croutons more than anyone else I know.

Fuck man, you really like your croutons.

I wash my hands when they are dirty and before I eat/after taking a shit. thats about all. When I landscaped regularly I would always get cuts on my hands and they were filthy. Soil actually contains minerals and whatnot that help to heal your cuts faster. I would get soil in cuts all the time and never had a problem with infections or anything, and they healed ungodly fast.

pussy. I only wash my hands if the toilet paper rips.

i could never imagine hovering. wow. too much work. germs are good. i laugh at people who are scared to touch the door handle.

i bet you always lost the door knob game in middle school

lol, so you’re openly admitting that you have no problem shaking Joe plumbers hand after he took a shit and didn’t wash his hands?

Wait a second, you only wash if the tp rips? You’re the fucking grossest.

nah, i dont care. i do wash my hands more often then i used to. i NEVER wash my hands after taking a piss. unless junior goes wild on me, then ill rinse.