How to keep yourself as clean as possible ver. Public Bathroom

Rev. Guys :

  1. Open door with left hand.

  2. Look for towel dispenser.

3a) If you find a towel dispenser, use left hand to operate and have towel out and hanging.

3b) If no towel dispenser is found, find TP. Take TP and bunch it up, and leave it next to sink.

3c) If no TP is found, you’re fucked.

  1. Find urinal/toilet.

5a) With urinal, prepare yourself to pee with right hand. Then flush toilet with left hand, whilst peeing (use your right hand to aim), therefore reducing “peeback”. Flush again when done (Flush with left!)

5b) With Toilet, prepare yourself to pee with right hand. Pee into bowl, avoiding angles any sharper than 60 degrees downward to reduce “peesplashback”. If you have a boner, well, you’re fucked anyway, do a handstand, or think of your grandmother naked, that may help. Flush with left hand.

  1. Using your right hand, try to button/zip your pants to the point where they won’t fall off while walking to the sink.

  2. Walk to sink, closest to Paper towel dispenser with paper towel already semi-dispensed (or, your wad of toilet paper).

  3. Operate sink, wash hands.

  4. Dry hands off using pre-dispensed paper towel/wadded up TP. Use TP/towel to shield yourself against germs on dispenser/sink handles if need be.

  5. Open door with some TP/PT that you newly aquired/had before.

  6. Hit 3-pointer with semi-wet towel into the garbage can, while holding door with foot.


valuable information.


1)find bathroom or suitable urinating place.

  1. try not to piss on your self

3)try to zip wang in fly

  1. stumble to door

  2. rub your hand on neerest guys back who you kind of know

  3. giggle to yourself and stumble back to where you think you should be.

I just open the door with a piece of paper towel in my hand, i hate touching public bathroom doors.

Also some sinks are so bad, your better off not even washing your hands in them, the faucets are just crawling with germs.


I just open the door with a piece of paper towel in my hand, i hate touching public bathroom doors.

Also some sinks are so bad, your better off not even washing your hands in them, the faucets are just crawling with germs.


word, i feel more dirty touching the faucet, so i usually dont even wash my hands. i only flush when my foot can reach the handle, and i try to avoid touching the doors.

wet door handles are the WORST. im not a germaphobe, but still…

What happens to us lefty’s who hold it left handed, are we totally fucked for these set rules? haha

bar bathroom rules:
push door open with shoulder or foot
flush with foot if youve used a stall and are feeling courteous, otherwise nothing
wash hands if there are soap and towels, if not present dont touch anything
manage to get out without touching the door using towel, tp, or someone else opening

i never understood the guys that wash their hand with NO SOAP!! lol

Purell FTW,god i love that shit.

ill tell you what i know for a fact that my dick is not nearly as dirty as the public sink faucets are. Especialy at shit bars and such.

unless there is pleanty of soap and paper towels ( not the air blower guy) im walking out of there like nothing happened.

I dunno about you guys but i dont piss on my hand and i dont wash my hands after every time i scratch/ re-arange myself so if after doing my thing there isnt proper equiptment for me to wash up with i wont.


ill tell you what i know for a fact that my dick is not nearly as dirty as the public sink faucets are. Especialy at shit bars and such.


Ahahah touche!