Ground Hogs...... Jewish Conspirators

Well as most of us know today Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow dooming us to another 6 more weeks of winter. I was arguing with Sosideways that he always sees his damn shadow and thinking to myself someone should just rub salt in the little fuckers eyes.

So I did what any Patriotic american would do and googled Ground Hogs Day to get to the bottom of this. I wanted to see just how many times the little bastard hasn’t seen his shadow.

What I stumbled upon shocked and scared me. A jewish conspiracy leading all the way back to the mid 1900s. Seems this littrl bastard is actually a jewish spy sent to control our weather somehow and thus control the citizens of America’s moods, income and prosperity.

If you will take a look at the link on the list below the shadow sightings are at random. Then the Nazis come and conviently Punxsutawney Phil does not appear in 1943. Where was he you ask? Upon further searching I found this picture:

Yes that is indeed Anne Frank, the famous Jewish hide and go seeker during WW2. That was all I could get before my bank account was mysteriously frozen and my cable was disconnected. After world war 2 the shadow sightings now follow a patern. How could this be? Must be some sort of controlling factor going on here. THE JEWS!

I urge you to look into this yourselves before it is too late for allof us. The Jews are wreaping their revenge through control of the harshest most devistating season of all… winter. We need to strike quickly and accurately to all the ground hogs and clear our super markets of all matza balls and crackers before its too late.

fucking juice

Wow interesting! I’m still waiting to hear what the verdict was from a local groundhog, Esperance Eddie

Werent you supposed to be really busy at work this week?

I am but I will never pass up the chance to SAVE OUR COUNTRY!!!

so you’re saying I should start campaigning to rid the earth of jews?

atleast NY state

we’ll have to concentrate our efforts to the south.

Too bad that picture of Anne Frank and the ground hog is photochopped. :lol



you dont fucking say




I’m planning on doing my disortation on the subject.

So this groundhog is penny pincher like Pete?

I’m pretty sure I already booked my first class ticket to hell so I don’t feel too bad posting this:
