Group Buy on AK47's


probably, the NYS laws are pretty strict with imported guns. It’s way more than the 922R laws. Basically though from my understanding you can have it but just dont get caught shooting it that way or assembled that way? Correct me if Im wrong someone cause Im not 100% sure.

I might be intrested and possibly my bud. Id be even more intrested if you could get a buy going w/ ar-15’s or even better some ar-20’s

They must be pre-ban to be legal here as in made before september of 1994.

Mike, if you can deliver you can count me and my dad in for a couple each :slight_smile:

lets look at the words----AK47’s, group Buy, Nyspeeders

In order for the new owner to be able to take possession they have to be present in the office while filling out the NICS form and while the info i called in.

So in other words all delivers must take place in the office in webster NY.

LMAO. Now that you mention it that way… :wink:


In for some of the mags you located. I posted on NY Firearms as well. :slight_smile:

I want one of these and I have a machine shop. Barter? Is the alteration legal?

The alteration is legal since all you are doing is widening the magwell. It can be done with a dremel and some patience but we were going to have the machinework done at BTF Racing, as he’s a good friend of mine.

For all of you guys that want them, sign up on the site, and PM Allstar Tactical. We’ve got 5 on the list now, so it’s almost guaranteed that we’ll hit the 10 mark for $399 pricing.

be careful what you tell people. the only reason it is legal on this rifle is because century usually uses enough US parts to make it fall under 922r. this isn’t always the case… check your rifles before modding them.

most of their new rifles I have seen have the required parts counts, but be aware that they may not.

it takes one hour to open up the single stack mag well. all WASRs are imported as single stacks, and then either sold as such, or opened up by their monkeys to double stack.

your mag well will look like this when you are done with your dremel

because these are romanian they are not dimpled. instead, they use welded in tabs to secure the mag. if you look inside you will see that they installed both the tabs for the single stack mags, and the double stack mags. grind down the single stack tabs so they are flush with the double stack tabs, and then open the well. you can use a disassembled mag to trace, or there are plenty of forms you can download and trace around.

I like to epoxy in 2 plates on either side of mine to stabilize the mag a little better (similar to the dimpled rifles). you can see them in my pic.

oh, and check for deals on double stack mag “kits”. they are just disassembled mags, and legal to ship to NY.

thanks man :slight_smile:

I just ordered 31 preban 30r mags haha

yeah, you can get them new from Copes, and they have the nicer Chinese ones (odd that they are the nicer ones).

They don’t have the rear rib, and are a tighter fit than the used/worn Yugos you see everyone pushing.

I am really interested in this webster is kind of far away

Bout an hour or so…depending on how fast ya drive?
Maybe we could carpool if it’s an issue. If the drive is holding anyone back let’s figure something out because I want this deal at 10+ buyers. :slight_smile:

You wanna drive out there with me?:touchy:

Imagine the cops pulling over 5 guys with AKs who are driving back to Buff. from Webster? Lawlz.

If I had a gun license, I’d probably be in. My room mate keeps telling me of his Zombie Apocalypse plan, but it’s always nice to have a back-up.

gun license? the only requirements for owning a long gun in NYS is you have to be 18 and not a felon.

Fully legal ak’s mind you. Pull us over if ya want. They won’t be loaded and they can check the paperwork etc…

Fear of stuff like this prevents people from defending themselves. “Oh noes, this guy is in my house but if I shoot him I may get arrested. I’ll just let him rob and rape me, it’s safer.” NO THANKS. :wink: