Group Buy on AK47's

Wasn’t aware, thanks for the info.!

Haha! I know it’d be legal, but still funny nonetheless to hear “Yes officer, all 5 of us have AKs in the car.”

Can’t wait!

Anyone want to setup a cruise/car pool up there?

justin im sure we can set somthing up

Hey guys, we’ve reached 8 buyers, so we’re locking the price in at $399. If you haven’t signed up over there and PM’d Allstar Tactical, now is the time to do it. We are also accepting payments now as well.

Here are the price breakdowns based on what you want:

AK47: $430.92

AK47 + Machinework: $474.12

30R Preban Magazines: $17.28

I’ll actually be in buffalo tonight at my datacenter, so maybe we can all meet up at mighty taco or something.

Sweet. How long do we anticipate for pickup if we are getting the machine work done?

I probably will place the order the first week of december, so we’re prob looking at mid december for pickup.

Is it too late to hop on this?

In case anyone cares… these will NEED to be cleaned. They will come packed in cosmoline. This means you will need to field strip it, and remove the furniture. You can then use brake cleaner to remove the cosmoline.

Then you will need to take a heat gun to the furniture and sweat the grease out of it. From there you can give it a light sanding and put a finish on it. The proper finish for these is shellac. Home Depot has Zinsser amber shellac. This is the closest thing to the proper finish you will find.

I like to apply it with the same terry cloth applicator I use to wax cars. You should apply 3 light coats, and then rub with 0000 steel wool. Do this until you have built up a decent finish (usually 9-12 light coats).

You should end up with something like this

Out of curiosity, why is it packed like that? That sounds like some really useful info for those getting one

almost all new guns are packed like that. It’s to preserve them from any corrosion while in storage/shipping.

I remember getting all new weapons for my first tour. Imagine having to clean not just your weapon but M240B on top of that up to standards.

i want guns.

Guns are built and then pack for long term storeage. Never never ever never ever take a gun out of a box and shoot it!

Also, being a wast it is a Century Arms gun. Check it right away for canter sights. Google it

they will fix or replace it for you

good info…

on a side note, i had to house sit this weekend, and next to the bed on the night stand was a .40 glock sub compact…

i thought to myself, no way would my sisters fiance leave a loaded gun next to the bed…

sure enough, pull the clip, its full, pull back the top and out flies a bullet… wtf was he thinking? no safety, no lock, locked and loaded.

i want a gun. just dont really have a reason to own one down here. not yet.

How are you gonna get the bad guys with an unloaded gun?

Ouch. That’s just asking for an unintended hole in someone or something. I keep my xd40 full mag in well but not chambered, locked in a small gun safe. At least the springfield has a grip safety.

If it’s going to be in the house, and used for home protection, it should be prepped for duty carry.

If it’s in a locked case then it should be left unloaded. In a SHTF moment you will loose all fine motor skills. It will be damn near impossible to unlock a case and prep in a reasonable amount of time.

As for the thing about the safety. There is no such thing as a “safe” gun.

Thanks for helping out with info Zero :slight_smile: We’re over the 10 mark now anyways, so any of you guys looking to get in on this, can send a PM to Allstar Tactical over for more info. We’re accepting orders until December 1st.

Do we have to e-mail him or can we do everything through you? I have two friends who want in but don’t really use the interwebs much. LOL

I just told them “theres a group buy on AK47’s for $400, you interested?” and then they started asking me questions on how and who to talk to and I said “dunno.”

Help me out :slight_smile:

Bump! We’re up to about 14 people :slight_smile: