Group Buy on AK47's

Considering buying 1…when’s deadline?

The deadline for the discounted price is Friday

Don’t sell to mordak

We also have decided to give free tshirts to all buyers of the group buy, and if we make it to 20 people, we’ll take an additional $10 off the machine work. Tell your friends!

What’s the law on transporting the gun to North Carolina when I move there in a few months? That’s whats holding me back.

Once it’s yours, its yours. Just make sure its legal in NC.

How are you gonna be able to shoot an AK47 when you’re 5 foot 100 lbs and don’t even have a permit? I think you need a slingshot little guy.

Looks like I’ll be #15 to pay. Only 5 more to go and we save $10 off the machine work…get in here and get yourselves a x-mas present fellas. :wink:

So… what happened here?

What are the laws with AK47s and collapsible stocks with pistol grips? What about magazine capacity?

I hard some of the laws “expired” or went away, but I also heard NYS isn’t playing by those rules. I need to know what is legal… or the best place to get a straight answer.

Also, how do I convert it to automatic? I’m buying 1000 rounds and want to try to start the foregrip on fire :wink:

IIRC all but 4 of the rifles are sold.

2 are machined for hi cap mags and 2 are not. Mike can correct me if I am wrong it has been a few days since i have made it up to the shop.

these guns are NY compliant they meet all NY and Fed laws.

full auto in NY is not legal in any way.

If you have questions feel free to ask mike or myself, or you can even jump on and get a group answer.

any one have a AR-15 i need one


Group Buy is over.

We don’t “do” guns on this site. I suggest sites like: