$$, Groupies, and Jealous Envy aka How Does Money Change A Person?

My friends father is like one of the heaed people developing something that sounds like this…Last I heard a year ago tehy were able to somewhat see. Totally blind people could see like vague outlines and stuff pretty cool stuff

I grew up with little to nothing. We were raised on welfare and my parents struggled from day one with 7 kids. That being said…

I’m the middle of 7. I was the first to have a child and the first to have a decent car and go to college. And that’s all because of Pauls parents and how they worked from nothing so they knew that we were too proud to ask for help.

Now that Paul and I both have GOOD jobs and money to play with most of the time people (mainly my siblings) assume that they can skip months of paying for cars we’ve fixed up and passed along to better THEM. Or that they can ask to borrow our stuff or that we “don’t care about gas” all the time.

MONEY CHANGES PEOPLE. doesn’t matter if you are the one who has money or if someone you know has money… It changes attitudes and behaviors. It changes things completely.

Unfortunately sometimes people get complacent, or worse, just start to feel “entitled”. The sense of entitlement is really something that bugs me. You start to wonder why someone feels he/she deserves to get the hookup for free, and then the person doesn’t even make an effort to give something back or take care of what was given to him/her. Yeah, really frustrating…

EXACTLY! And it’s worse when it’s friends and even worse when it’s family and they take TOTAL advantage. My bitch side usually doesn’t come out often… especially not when it’s money related and family/friends asking or owing…

I guess that saying is true Nice guys (or girls :tongue) finish last.

not true. girls always finish last whether they’re nice or not.


And this is the reason I kind of hope your post count/day drops after you hit the BX. Fordham baby go git it!!!

:lmao :bowdown

I always enjoy reading your posts…

One thing I wanted to throw out there was with what you said above…

Is it always like that ? I mean I tend to think of money like I think about food / water / oxygen…

I think of it like this…

When your starving for food, all you want to do is get some… thats pretty much the main thing on your mind…

Same with air… someone is holding you underwater damn you really need some air…

but what about when we are full , or have plenty of air… we never think about it then… breathing air is something i hardly ever think about but something i REALLY need hahaa

obviously money isnt that intense of a need but I think of it the same way

If your working paycheck to paycheck right… and your are absolutely just dying to pay the rent and have a few bucks left over for a gallon of gas… how the hell is that gonna make you feel ? Your whole life is all about making money, because if u slip for one minute then you get kicked out your apt or foreclosure… dont have enogh gas to get to work…

So thinking about it in that way, I think maybe in some situations its not always how you say it is above… you dont get “obsessed”

But then again it all depends on “how you get it”

If your trading your hours for the dollars, if you have a boss, if your doing overtime, and you want to make more and more and more…then that is where I feel like it falls into the situation you said above…

But if your getting money by other means, commonly investing… or having a business that works for you… then perhaps its a bit different?

The kids of sam walton, I doubt they are stressed the fuck out every day with money the only thing on their mind… I think the fact that they have something setup for the long term, that generates money for them really relieves alot of stress, and they only make more money… as time moves on…

thats how I feel , or felt, after cossey posted I feel like hes just fine and the same shit you said above… I dont know cossey personally, yea we met a few times and I think thanks to my crazy ways he probably doesnt take me seriously which is fine i respect that. but i know hes boys with vlad and others i know who are really really good genuine people… so i had a common concern for cossey which wasnt on purpose or for any other reason

I have a friend who grew up with me in colonie, kid was broke as fuckkkk for his whole life. I mean really bad, I remember times he slept outside in colonie, then came to school with grass and shit in his clothes hahaa, good kid , really good heart, but really shitty brought up. Anyways the fuckin idiot got bit by a dog comin home from school and long story short lawsuit ended in him getting over 100 grand…

He got that shit and blew it out his fucking ass in one year… thats it, thats the story… I was with him for alot of it he spent alot of money on his friends including me, which I thought was nice and I would do the same any day, but within reason, 100-150 grand is not alot of money especially when u have no income at all…and spending a grand a day for a month

So because of that I had some worry for cossey but its nothin im sure hes fine

pete your a really good guy who dont run away from shit, i really respect that and you keep it real, yea you got some HORRIBLE fucking road rage that I think u need to get some counciling for… but other than that your really chill and the post above was really… enlighting lol… i think u’ll be fine man just keep an open mind and being positive really does matter

I’m not kidding, i need a laser brazilian , so let me in on this…

haha its crazy how fuckin nuts you are, i really didnt think when I knew you only from the forums that you would even be 10% as nuts as me… im really glad we know each other tho , some people you meet you just know are good people, you are def one of them, along with jammer vlad shady etc

not saying that I know from experience this to be true

but shit I can only imagine !!

Its like anything, everyone can tell u what to do when its not their problem or situation,

talk is so cheap its free… free advice should be takin as light as its price

What exactly prompts you to write these articles, Singh :rofl

I consistantly learn shit from Singh. Seriously. I think this is part of my training. Like confuscious, he teaches in snippets.

Hey man good fucking post! How you been anyway? I need to come down to the shop and chill again. twas a good time. :thumbup

:rofl dude i dont fucking know, if anyone even reads that bullshit, i do have good intentions, and im not half the idiot i appear to be on these forums

haha what are u learning from me, I need to give up I suck at explaining myself and thoughts online hahaha

Yea, this guy goes out of his way to park next to someone ALLL THE WAY on the otherside of the mall.

… on his bike.

hey im a groupie, i saw a black supra and had my new phone handy… what can i say :excited

Cossey, I remember when this first happened to you. I remember you said you were thinking about a sewing. Glad everything work out for you! Took a long ass time, damn!
Enjoy the toys…

Would money change me? Hell yea it would. For the better, but I would be even more gaurded than I am now.

Money is funny.

most lawsuits are 5 years or more i think