Coworkers and Money

So, let’s say a co-worker of yours asked you to borrow 150 bones for 1 month. The person overdrew their account and now is getting finance charges.

Would you lend the money or would you not lend it?

If no, then how would you politely break the news.
Mind you I have to work with this person.

just tell them your broke, cause you need to finish getting your car on the road.

  1. I would never go to a co worker and ask them for cash
  2. Just tell them you don’t make enough to float there ass on this one… sorry
  3. said coworker has balls to ask another coworker for cash

i wouldnt

is this person a good friend and a co worker? or is it that co worker that youve been posting about that annoys you?

I would normaly say no, since I drink my money away towards the end of the month.

Just say no. I’d be kind of pissed if a co-worker even asked me that; it’s a bullshit question.

just be like… “sorry… can’t… you know what i make…!”

I wouldnt lend a coworker money… say you lend it and they dip…

I dunno about you… but 150 bones is like a months worth of food for you and your roomies!! :wink:

Playing with my money is like playing with my emotions. No way.

im going to say no.
its their own stupid ass fault they overdrew their account.

thats why they have cash advance places :smiley:

But… I have overdrawn my account… and needed money… and I never thought to run to co-workers… I went to mom and dad, and a close friend for help… Unless the two of you are close? Which it doesn’t sound like it…

well, if it was my friend i would lend them money

can i borrow $275.00?

what up big perm. i mean big worm.


How you get fired on your day off?

It’s Friday, Peterock ain’t got shit to do…


I would be like, “Um No.” and walk away. Or say “Um yeah right, Are you kidding me?”

If it was a very good friend that is border line being considered family I would consider it.

Over with drawling an accound is signs of someone living pay check to pay check. If they are having that hard of a time then how are they going to beable to pay you back that money.

Yes I understand there are rare occurances of people going through tough times but thats when you usually ask family to help out or you further evaluate before you decide to help.

People with cronic “though times” are people to stay away from.

i lent my girlfriend money back in like 2000 we were dating for like 5 years then. she borrowed it. we broke up afterward and it took like 3 years to get my 2500 bucs back off of her. id watch who you lend money too.

i wouldnt…other wise next month you’ll be back on here with a new thread saying…That fucker has yet to give me my 150 bucs back.

I bought my best friend an alarm for his car… $180 dollars. 6 years later I haven’t seen a fucking dime.

You need money? Get your own!!!