
I pride myself on being honest and nice. I would never overcharge anyone because I would never want it done to me, nor would I fuck some one over. I actually usually way undercharge people. Well in the past 2 years people have seen this as not enough and would much rather fuck me over when I way over extend myself.

Typically a situation arises when someone has car trouble and lack of money set aside in case of a situation like this. I put myself in the other persons shoes and remember the crap situations you have first starting out on your own and the limited funds. This usually leads to me giving this down on their luck person a break one time. I’d say 90% of the time it works great; the friend,person is greatful and usually somewhere down the road brings me more business or a hookup or some type of redemer.

Well there are 2 forum members I would like to bring out into the open. Wayne 540guy and Eric Barrett ericvw7989

Eric bought my wifes civic and I didn’t have another car registered to daily so the day he bought it we drove to the dmv together so that we could both register our new daily drivers then he would drive me out to pick up the my dd. Well @ the dmv eric didn’t realize what tax was and that he had to pay it. wtf. we had already deposited the loan check for the car so he needed to put this thing on the road. So I fronted him the cash like $600ish well he still owes me like 400 and he bought the car in march of 09

Wayne is just a dick. He owes me $510 from work done to his talon. I did the work and he said oh oo no monies. So I said no key. Well he paid me a little every week and then he decided to sell the car. I was like ok he will sell the car and pay me. well I honestly think that was his intention till he had the money in his hand for more than 24hours. now he just fucking laughs about not paying me.

I just hope karma catches up to some people no matter how damaging it is…

This is just coming out now because I thought these 2 would man up and pay their debts. I have been screwed by one other since then and these 3 people caused me to have to borrow money for bills for the first time in like 12years. I made me sick to do so and paying it back asap. I just don’t understand how you can know what its like to be hurting for money and not pay someone back especially when they had done you a favor…

  • Carma for you and - total life karma to those asshole.

I don’t know you really but if you are good with Don who i think highly of then you are good with me. Sorry you are having bad luck with these two members. Hopefully they man up about the situation.

That sucks Gary :frowning:

Sucks dude. I chased a former co-worker down for over a year for a few hundred $ owed on an old Buick Regal I sold him. I gave it to him in faith, figuring I’d see him at work every day. He got fired. Followed him from work, to his GFs house, finally got the money after he sold the car to buy a newer truck. In his words on the last day “I had the money, just didn’t want to pay.” On top of that, when I first sold it I let him borrow an old set of plates I had just so the car could sit in his parking lot, and one came back damaged. God knows what happened. Some people just suck. The world isn’t all bad- I’ve helped friends out with money before and got it back asap.

those assholes will never get an inspect from me or any of my guys, fuck them they will die

Who burns someone over a few hundo. Fuckin skanks.

Yeah that shit’s not right at all. I agree Gary looks out for people wherever he can, doesn’t deserve that. He has helped me countless times.

I hope they man up and pay you but that probably won’t happen. Just pitiful.


lol, you paid the tax for him on the car you sold him and he didn’t pay you back. so cool.

That sucks sorry to hear it man. I have two friends that owe me money, one $350 one $100. Ugh

That’s just fucking wrong. Sorry to hear, Gary. You have always been a stand up guy and you don’t deserve this bullshit.

Man up and pay your debts!!

It’s terrible when you help someone out and they fuck you over. I helped out a friend once when I sold him a car and allowed him to pay me monthly, stupid I know but he was my friend. He quit paying me after a couple months lol. It’s not a huge amount of money so it’s not a big deal but it’s still all about the principle.

Uggghhh I think I still owe you $20. Or did I pay you? Lol idk can’t remember

That’s shitty, you’re a great dude and have helped me out soooo many times in the past, I lost count by now. Best of luck gary

Ps I havent seen you in ages, I miss your meaty paws

I didn’t realize these people still owed you money. WTF.

me neither don, well i didnt even know about the other kid, but i thought wayne paid him when he sold the talon… shitty

I have everyone that owes me money along with the amount in the notepad on my phone. Close friends, relatives, and some people that I’m sure I will never see again. Total about $2000.

As soon as people know you have a decent bank account they come out of the wood work to beg, borrow, and steal from you. One thing Ive learned is if they say they will pay you back the next day, they are full of shit and you probably wont get your money back.

Some of them truly plan to pay you back ASAP, but problems arise and soon their problems become yours. As if you don’t have enough of your own problems to worry about. As time goes on, your chances of getting payed back become less and less. You basically take a back seat in their priority list.

What I really hate are the people that find time to show up to your house when you are loaning them money, but when it’s time to get payed back, you must go out of your way to get any kind of money from them. Suddenly they can’t find a way to drive to your house. You have to set up a payment plan with them and make the trip to THEIR house to get a measly $20 every week. Just a huge pain in the ass. Loaning money is never a good thing.

---------- Post added at 01:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:03 AM ----------

Not to mention the Monte Carlo that I sold to my best friend with a payment plan. Only a measly $200 per week. I got payed $800 then a minor problem occurred with a tie rod. His lazy ass never got it fixed and the car sat for years. 4 flat tires, ruined paint job and cracked leather seats, along with clogged gas lines etc. And of course he feels he no longer owes me since he’s not driving the car anymore. Some people just have a messed up way of thinking. What a waste of a good car.[COLOR=“Silver”]

I hate to sound like a dick, but it’s reasons like this that I very rarely do favors for people, regardless of relation.

:tdown: to both parties mentioned, shitbag status
