***SCAMMER ALERT*** - Dont do business with BENNYFIZZLE!!!!!

I sold some things to this lowlife and he physically took them from my garage and ran off without paying for them.

He obviously wont return phone calls or PMs. I’ll probably never get my money. Unbelievable. I hope this saves someone else the trouble and maybe some money.

If anyone knows where to find this guy, please let me know. I told the Saratoga County sheriffs everything but they arent hopeful unless someone has more info.



shoulda known better to trust someone local to buy your stuff…especially someone you know and trust… i mean… who would be dumb enough to do that? srsly.


He lives in Bspa round lake area.

Google mapping for rainbow fenders.

I actually believe he lives in Malta gardens.

Personally army! I have my torch lit

This guy just dropped off the face of the earth, what a SCUMBAG!

Anyone ever met this guy or know exactly where he lives? Like 7’4", pulled up in a BMW with Mary Kay Escalade paint…


Mary Kay Escalade paint you say? I think I know this fella

but seriously…


people believe you

mother fucking roflcopter/lollerskates combined… so thats either lollercopter or roflskates?

Drifted mary kay bmw on a dangerous turn in ballston lake right in front of my lexus throwing rock up everywhere

I would like to find him to seek damages as well

has been known to be found in Mcdonalds play lands.

these seem to subdue the beast

what a scumbag


o shi-

i found him!!!

quick after him

You think this is FUNNY ASSBAG!?

You didn’t want the money anyway it was fake and a bad fake at that.

He also threw poop at me while driving by on Route 9…I demand a carwash

neg repping back to stoneage
