
:tdown: I await to see their reply

Damn Gary… sorry to hear. :tdown:

I stopped lending people money a long time ago. It’s just not worth the risk of ruining friendships.

Want to do some work on my car?

lol, j/k. good luck, hopefully you get paid but by the sounds of it I wouldn’t hold my breath. Shitty situation man.

Will you take a check? I can write a check. LoL :slight_smile:

I’m one of those guys who definitely needs a favor here and there for getting work done on a car, but I always pay up front when the job’s complete. I don’t understand the total lack of respect people can have when someone is already cutting them a deal for the work being done! I’ll even pay a little more sometimes than what the person quotes me for the work just to show a little appreciation because I’m still saving money over having it done at a dealer or any other repair shop. People can really make you sick these days.

I don’t know the OP personally, you seem like a legit dude who goes out of their way to help others which is cool. Are you the person I bouight steel wheels with Hakkas off of last winter maybe?

First case-dude buys a car from you, gives you the $ for it, and doesn’t have the sales tax $. You know what-FUCK THEM, let them have to come up with the $ to register the car. I guarantee that they would have gotten the $ for the tax WAY faster then how long they are stringing you along for it now.

Second case-FUCK THEM again! Don’t give the keys/car back until you are payed in full. And now the asshole is laughing about not giving you the remaining $??? What a fucking scum bag

There are about 5 people, other then family, that I would loan money to or do a favor like this for.

And whatever the people who owe you money come back with as a rebuttal-they are fucking duche bag fggt flat brim hat wearing assholes!

A friend of mine once told me, “Never loan out money that you expect back, especially if you need it back”.

This is a great lesson for everyone. If you haven’t been screwed yet, you will be.

It will be interesting to see how these guys respond.

they wont respond. only time there around is when there buying or selling something.

In Eric’s defense, he owed me 200 dollars for almost 2 years and DID pay me back.

Wayne just knocked up some girl he’s been dating since october.

That is about the stupidest fucking defense

Removed…seems I was mixed up. Not surprising considering I’m at work and watching the stock market at the same time.
Attention to detail escapes me beyond 2 things at once. LOL

I’m not saying it’s a GOOD thing that it took him forever to pay, but at least he PAID. Sometimes shitty things happen. A debt settled is still better than a debt dodged.

Also, Eric isn’t the one w/ the kid.

ill concur with this

LOL, the rules are always different when it’s one of your buddies. If he was a complete stranger to you, he would just be another poor person in your eyes.

He was not my friend. I put a clutch in his Subaru.

Poor planning, little to no income, general lack of responsibility. It’s funny how the reasons people generally ask to borrow money are also the same reasons that you shouldn’t lend it to them.

is the “carma” in the title a misspelling or a pun?

i just figured it was a pun