
Has to be a pun since he spelled it correctly in his initial post.

Sucks that this stuff always seems to happen to good people. Sorry to hear about this bs Gary.

That sucks.
I’m one to help others more than myself, and I HATE asking for help. ever.

I also would never lend money. I lent $1 to a bum once and the when I saw him a few days later he had the nerve to ask me for another $1 AFTER I asked when I was going to get my money.

I really don’t know what eric does anymore, i know from his former situation he has tried A LOT to do better in life… i dont even know if he has a facebook account. Ive given eric money before (not that much, prob less than 20$ lol) and he always took forever to pay it back, but he always tried his hardest to. Actually last time i saw him (summer time) i think he was still trying to save up money to pay you back lol. and he mentioned this out of the blue. ATM i am pretty sure he does not have a car, and i think is still paying off his loan from either your car or his wrx still. he’s banished from here anyways so he won’t see this.

i have no comment on wayne and he probably wont respond to this anyways. he did buy a new car though (a new used one. idk how much he paid) he does not currently have a job though

edit: and i would also like to add that gary is the fucking man when it comes to fixing cars, being a friend, and being a general all around good human being. other than sucking at call of duty and always whining like a girl

Can I ask the price and year of the civic you sold that was your wife’s?

My thought is if someone is buying an old civic for maybe 2-3 grand and needed a loan for it, they may not be the best person to give another $600 to. Also the fact they didn’t understand taxes leads me to believe that they may not be all the financially and you wouldn’t see that money again.

I don’t mind loaning people money if they have a way to pay me back. I had some friends who worked a day a week and need money and would tell them no because their work ethic sucks and they wouldn’t make any effort to really earn the extra money to pay me back.

You can easily figure out the price of the car, since the sales tax was 600$ lol…

Fry, cutting right to the point as usual. :tup:

That’s what I figured but maybe they had some other fees that were tied into that $600 since if he didn’t know he had to pay sales tax, maybe he didn’t know the registration and price info.

sry to hear buddy, let me know if you need anything.

but i vote for 540guy’s mother to pay the debt… on her knee’s

Can I have some money?

thats fucked up to say

That blows.
You’re someone I’ve never heard a bad word said about.

As for lending people money.
Outside of family, there’s one or two people I’d help out with a sum of more than 100 bucks.
JCuz being one of them, He helped me out a lot way back when. Now if I could just avoid working on his winter beaters…



Hey gary,
Sorry about this whole situation.I didnt mean to but you into problems and hurt your financial situation. In all honestly it was not on purpose just had non stop bullshit going on since the last time i saw or talked to you. I did not have your phone number and it slipped my mind. Gonna pm you my number and where im living now to get that all caught up with you asap. Once again sorry didnt mean to be a d bag. Was told you were mad about it on here and i havent even been logged on for about 2 years i think. But ill get this all taken care of.

---------- Post added at 11:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:54 AM ----------

and I understand that my problems are no excuse. It was my responsibility that i fucked up.

---------- Post added at 11:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:55 AM ----------

and I understand that my problems are no excuse. It was my responsibility that i fucked up.

:tup: to owning up to it.

I lent my best friend some money over the summer. It wasn’t even A LOT of money (relatively speaking).

I still haven’t been paid back. I knew before I even lent him the money, I’d never get it back. Oh well, it’s a cheap price to pay to dissolve a friendship.

Regardless, I haven’t seen him in 6 months. He could’ve made an attempt to pay me back instead of going out to bars and buying cigarettes.

You’re momma sure does care about your education- boy!


First off wayne is a piece of shit…period…and im glad this shit’s out in the open. Im glad he got a new (used car to) seems his money was better spent on himself then repaying gary. Prolly bought some more fucked up faggot ass clothes too. Shouldnt fuck people over when they know where you live wayne… ill drop my plow on whatever fucking piece of shit he’s driving and turn that car into a fucking pop can. I still owe you for selling me a car and letting me borrow your plates so i could take it home and i got fucking arrested. Man up you stupid fuck and pay the money.

I would like to add the gary is a fucking top notch dude all the way around. His knowledge, speed, and reliability when it comes to his sidework is absolutly awesome…second to none in my opinion. I dont take my vehicles anywhere for anything without asking gary first. Over the time i have known don and gary which is about 3 or 4 years, i have spent at least 10 thousand dollars on my cars with gary doing all the work. In that time i have never had a car break down in even the smallest way ever. When my dsm’s act up i text gary and the fucking thing gets fixed, and most of his work comes with a fucking warranty, if anything happens he takes the blame if its his fault and will fix it for nothing. I have on numerous occassions needed immediate work on my business plow truck in a moments notice and gary has always hooked me up so i can keep my customers and business going. Just recently i was working a storm and my plow headlights took a dump. Withing 2 hours of breaking i was on the road with a complete new harness that he cut out, and replaced. He charged me 75 bucks. But i was at risk of losing several thousand and he knew that and didnt overcharge or give me shit about needing it a.s.a.p. at like 10 p.m when he could be spending time with his family. If he has open time and knows i need work done even if i say i wont have money for a week or two he will do the work knowing by the time i have money he will be booked. If i didnt have burch as a resource my plow business and galant fun would be out of the question with the money i make. Its a shame that he has tried to help people and been screwed. Honestly its fucking rediculous, especially because gary has been robbed at his shop fucking twice by some faggots that i would bet are on this forum. Yet gary still continues to help us because he remembers whats its like to be in the shit with no boots or paddle. People that screw other people are the reason alot of people cant get help when they really need it.

Hey gary next time this kind of shit happens don’t wait for them to pay you money, keep in mind blood is pretty valuable.

This is bullshit and really upsets me.

Gary, you are a great dood and shouldn’t be treated like this. Good for you getting this out in the open! I hope both people square up with you soon!

Eric did get in touch with me and is planing to pay me back as I figured he would. He seemed legit since day one. I don’t typically loan peoply money but fixing their car so they can keep their job and pay me back is a different story. Actually Eric is the only person I have loaned cash to, besides skrappar.

Fry trust me I agree. I don’t just throw these offers out to every ass hat kid. I don’t even offer the option to my own sister as she sucks with money and life in general. Wayne had me do work for him on more than one occasion and ALWAYS PAID, then he decided to turn into a d bag.

what does that even mean?