
Hey, ill give you some money, but to get this out in open to why I owe gary so much money, I bought said car that he worked on for 3500, two months later he claimer I owes 500 for it when I have the recepit with 3500, whatever, ill pay you, but not all of it, and I honestly don’t care what any of you have to say. See4ways I have no idea who you are, but you can come blow me whenever, that would be nice.

disregard, read it wrong.

ill be sure to be at the shop when you get there to pay the money, i doubt you will continue running your mouth in person.

He said you owe money from working on your talon, not for payment for the car

He failed to mention that part, this was my bad for not paying but I’m not paying that much seeing as its that high due to that, and 4ways, if you are who I think you are, you can still suck my dick, maybe if you actual had the money to buy that car THREE years ago and didn’t give me a bad check, ill run my mouth to you I don’t care, someone pm me garys number.

im over it…ill send you his number gotta turn my phone on

If you paid in full and have a receipt why on earth would you pay anything further? Something don’t add up here.

In any event I think you and the other guy should fight. Raise cash to pay Gary back and maybe even profit some? LOL

Soooo did Gary loan you money because your a retard and forgot that you had to pay sales tax or not? Don’t be a scum. Pay the man what you owe him. I’m sure he went out of his way for you countless times. Why are you gonna screw him over for being a good guy???

First of wrong guy, he didn’t lend me anymoney, this is over labor, so don’t say shit when you have no idea what your talking about, and I’m say I do owe him money, but not 500 worth. I texted him, I should hear back from him in a few days as always.

Oh my bad, I got both you lowlifes mixed up. Sorry.

win right there

hahaha truth!


+1 gary Has done me countless favors and still does :wink: He let me go with 600 debt and was moving out of state made sure I paid him in full glad to have him as a friend. Exp Since he goes above and beyond to help somebody out

Lol to being called a low life by nyspeed.