BAAHHHH!!! Pissed about a car

Yeah so a couple weeks ago i made a deal with a guy to buy his car for $3000cdn and i thought everything was all good to go and we just needed to set up a date for the exchange. I told him flat out that i was %100 buying the car off him and everything and he said ok great…

well today i’m told by another member of this site that knows the guy, that the car was sold. WTF!

does someones word mean nothing. i mean i’ve been trying to get a hold of him for the past few days but everytime i call, his wife answers and says he’s at work and gives me a time to try again. I even left messages to call me back and let me know what’s goin on but then he sells the fuckin car on me!

i just needed to vent. i was so damn excited to get this car i can’t even describe it. and now it’s gone. :mad:


what kinda car was it?

and that’s life man. imagine if he waited the time you said, passed up other valid offers, and then when it came time to exchange with you, you never paid. Not only did he wait a couple weeks, but you backed out and he missed other offers.

there is a turbo kit for sale that i could buy in two weeks. i’d die to have the money right now to buy it but i can’t, and i know it’s just going to sell before then. if the owner said he’d wait, it’d be unbelievable… and for the record he said the first to give him the cash will get it. :shrug:

thats just life man. sucks though :frowning:

Gee… you should have given him a deposit and got it in writing!

yeah that’s another thing, I only talked to him once on the phone and told him i’d bring him the money for a deposit the next day but he didn’t answer or call back the next day. So trust me i tried.

it was a 1990 Cavalier, but with a built 3800 s/c, built tranny, and a bunch of other shit. fuckin sleeper car. put down just over 400whp IIRC

It’s tough to turn down cash when you’re selling something. How many times have we all had buyers back out of deals at the last minute? Put yourself in his shoes. You’re selling a car, you have a guy in another country (assuming since you said CDN money) saying he’s 100% going to buy it but hasn’t put a cent down, then someone knocks on your door with cash in hand ready to take the car.

I can’t blame him…

I know you tried, but money talks.

93z24 lives in CAN as well…

yeah im in canada now. i live here during the summer for work.

and yeah money talks, i would have handed him money that night. it was matter of him not letting me get a hold of him. i could have given him the entire amount and been done with it. that’s what i’m saying. we agreed on a price, and i told him i’d give him the money , but then never got a hold of him after talking to his wife 3 times, leaving 2 voicemails and 3 pm’s

it’s not like he thought i wasn’t serious…

Maybe this other person simply offered him more money. There are a thousand reasons why he could have sold it to them and not you… :frowning: Sorry to hear about that though… I know exactly how it feels to get your hopes up on a car to have something out of your control ruin it.

damm 400whp out of a 3.8 is a big accomplishment and not easy to reach with a M90. Care to post up what cam/heads he was using, he might have been pulling your leg on the numbers.

IF thats the route you want to go with just get a stock L67 block, ZZP heads/XPZ cam/IC etc and built it yourself.

same thing happened to me last year man with a wrx… sucks but you will get over it

400w for 3000bucks - sounded good :-\

off topic - i got mail from u today paulo, thanks :tup:

yeah i’ll get the details on the motor later, but i’m not sure about the cam.

before the internals were built it put down like 350, then it was built. it runs low 12’s in the 1/4.

kyle - no prob. that took a while to get there tho. i sent it out over a week ago i think.

aw man, i hate it when that happens :frowning:

stick it out… something else will pop up. i know this was specifically built and very awesome sounding tho. rough :tdown: good luck with the next one tho :tup:

CASH IN HAND i would have done it too

im not looking for any other cars, i wasnt in the first place. I just saw this come up and wanted it more than anything.

so with all this crap happening, its making my motivation to build my motor burn like hell. so things are already in the works. Next year, im goin after that SOB :smash2:

^^^ There ya go :tup:

honeslty, built bottom end 3.8’s tend to spin bearings like its there job, not even worth it. Your better off using a stock block, they have been proven time and time again to run very fast times all day long, not to mention if it was making over 350whp it should have ran 11’s. If your interested in building a 3.8 let me know. I can point you in the right direction.

i’ve already swapped a 3400 into my car so i’m gonna stick it out with that route. it’s getting a full build and hopefully boost next year as well. i already have wiseco 9:1 forged pistons/rings/wrist pins. i just need to slowly collect parts, then when i get back from school in the spring, build another 3400 on the side, and when it’s done, swap it all.

good deal man, just Make what you want then. you’ll even know Everything about it that way… might be better off in the end :tup: