How much is your car you?

Here is my story…

A little while back a friend of mine and I were talking about my car (which he knows pretty well) and he asked if I would consider selling it. I said no right away. He then said…If you did want to sell it, how much would you want.

That was a tough question.

I figure I could get about 5-6K at most for it so I said 9K kind of knowing that I wont get it.

A week goes by and the same guy stops by again. “I can come up with $8,500 cash right now” He said.

Now I know that doesn’t seem like a lot, but to me it was both suprising and flattering that something I somewhat built could be worth that much. I digested that number for a few days and asked a few of my better friends what they would do and I got a lot of mixed opinions. My wife even wanted me to keep it. She said, “how would you feel about seeing someone else driving your car? You will miss it even more once the money is gone.”

I decided that the 9k was in fact not worth it to me and I shouldn’t have gave that price out. But I still don’t know how much green it would take for me to part with the Skrapper-mobile. Probably three times more than it’s worth. In other words, I guess I really like my car.

Stories like this are more common with classics than budget imports, but I’m sure others have had offers like this and I would be interested in hearing them just so I know I am not an idiot for taking the cash and running.

The real question is How much is your car worth…and how much would you let it go for?

Also if you (the offerer) read this, I hope you don’t mind me posting this. It has just been on my mind for a while and figured this would help. :wink:

i would take 5k for mine…that pays off the loan and enough for a DP on a new car…but all in all I would have to find the absolute perfect car that I wanted with no compromises to sell my car

10K for the galant to sell right now

for my car i know if i waited i could get $6,500 for it but i want a new car so i am trying for 5,000

ALOT less then what i have paid. Thats for sure.

“I wouldn’t sell it for all of King Midas’s silver”

usually in selling my cars, i look to pay off the loan for it, unless there are mods and then i look for more or less depending on the scenario

i know i would try to avoid selling a car to anyone in this locale or wherever i was only b/c seeing someone else drive MY car on a daily basis is fucked up and would drive me nuts

12k takes mine away…


but realistically I’d settle for like $1

I think I could get $6,000 for my car…but I don’t know if that is enough money to make me want to get rid of it…the emotional attachment is worth more.

Hmmm, $1 and Joe makes the rest of the payments…

X… :lol:

$3,000 for the beretta. Even tho i bought it for $600 and rebuilt the motor with my dad it’s something that i can’t just let go. + I’m doing alot with it right now

If someone offered me what I paid for my car plus what I paid for my modifications I still would not sell it. Add 10-20 grand to that number and
i would probably do it. I would probably have that in labor if I paid someone
to do all my mods.


In a running state, I would sell mine on the spot for 14k. I would seriously consider 12k. In its current state, I would sell it for 9k. That includes a bunch of spare DSM parts.


I’m putting all of my cars up for sale actually. Anything over $1k takes the e30, I’m asking $9k and $29k for the 951’s. Probably be selling the Jeep too.

$20k can take my car. That would be enough to pay off my loan and buy something else i want.

I would sell my car for what I have into it. I will never get it so it’s gonna be mine for a long time.

mm 20K?

more than you can afford, pal :stuck_out_tongue:

i dunno what i’d sell my car for, i mean it basically a stock sti so whatever its worth i guess